How do YOU smoke your chillies?

I use E-Z wider rolling papers. Has to be loose enough to get a good puff puff then pass. J/K I couldnt resist
Just got a smoker last weekend so havent had a chance to do any yet.
Take my chipped wood and put a nice layer in the bottom and plug it in(electric) 5 minutes later when it has a good smoke going I unplug it and let it smolder for the next 2-4 hours.
Interesting! Would this be suitable for smoking small quantities? Its hot smoker tho... 

I have a Bradley Electric smoker which allows me to get the temps down to around 110 dF so I can let them smoke for 4 hours with out drying them out then into a sauce or the dehydrator to finish them off.
cut in half in a little chief smoker, fruitwood or mix, 1 pan for light smoke, 2 for dark.
Pulled out after smoke quits and either freeze or dehydrate.
Norwegian Chili, I smoke them at 110 dF so that would be around 43.3 dC.
Some will smoke them at a higher temperature for a shorter period but I wouldn't think you would want them to be much higher than 200 dF (93.3 dC) 
Should mention that with higher temps you run the risk of discoloring your peppers in case you like to keep the rich looking natural colors after complete drying. For me I like 120F-150F max. or 48C-65C max. I mainly use applewood for smoking but expanding to others this year. On the average I smoke'em for about 1 1/2 hours in my smaller brinkman smoker.
I smoke mine at around 200 degrees for about 2 or 3 hours then finish of in my dehydrator .

Same here but I use my oven since I don't have a dehydrator yet.
I have an electric Masterbuilt  smoker.  For bulk smoking, I've had good luck using disposable aluminium  roasting pans. 
Pans are disposable roasting pans of whatever dimension will fit in your smoker and of about 6-8cm depth. 
1- Poke a bunch of holes in the pan.  I use a blundt knife and stab-n-twist away.  Plunge the blade through the foil tray (from the outside towards the inside, it just works better that way) and when the blade is embedded in the tray, give it a little twist to make the opening a little larger.  Poke the sides and the bottom.  If you can get holes on about a 3-5cm on center (that would be 1-1.5" oc for us Yankees)..that allows a good amount of smoke through the chiles (that's chilli's for the rest of y'all)  :lol: 
2-  go ahead and fill the roasting pan up with washed, de-stemmed and cut in half pods 
3- smoke low and slow as the others have said using whatever you want for wood, heat, time, etc.
4- after 2-3 hours (depending on the heat, wood, desired smoke-i-ness) etc.  the pods are smoked, limp and ready for whatever you want to do from there. 
Dehydrate, freeze as is, grind then freeze, make a sauce, ...treat them like you would any other fresh pod in how to preserve or use the chile flesh/pod. 
Have Fun!