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  1. nubster

    Cheating on next years grow

    No nutrients until roots form I assume?
  2. nubster

    What makes peppers bumpy?

    Some of my scorpions are bumpy and some are not. The bumpy ones look mean for sure...I was just curious why some are and some are not. These pictures are all scorpions on different plants. All the bumpy are one one plant, the smooth on another. I haven't seen a mix on the same plant.   Smooth  ...
  3. nubster

    2015 Pepper Hauls

    My sad little haul that I'm still happy very first super hots! Scorpions and a single reaper. Probably about 200 more pods on the plants most still green.     Now to decide what to do with them. I don't have a pair large enough to straight up eat one so I'll have to figure out...
  4. nubster

    Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...

    First harvest. Scorpions and a single reaper. Probably a couple hundred peppers in total on the plants, most still green. Not sure what I'm doing with these yet. Gotta be honest...I'm a bit scared of  
  5. nubster

    Need two peppers ID'ed

    Interesting. Thanks for the input. I'll definitely update once they start to color up. Look forward to giving them a try once they are ready. Thanks again.
  6. nubster

    Need two peppers ID'ed

    Yeah, on the second picture, they all look like that. Same with the first. The third pic is my Bhut.
  7. nubster

    Need two peppers ID'ed

    Labeled Black Habanero     And this one Chocolate Habanero     Neither of them looking very habanero like. Only thing I have planted that looks even remotely similar is one Chocolate Bhut.  
  8. nubster

    Two pepper ID requests

    Guess you're right. Never noticed there was an ID section.
  9. nubster

    Two pepper ID requests

    I do have one chocolate bhut plant. It's next to the plant that I have labeled as the chocolate hab above but not close to the pepper labeled as black habanero. I may have to wait until they start showing some color to get an idea. Not that it matters too much. I'm sure they'll turn out to be...
  10. nubster

    Two pepper ID requests

    Just wanted to see if anyone could help ID these two peppers.   This one is labeled chocolate habanero...     This one black habanero...     Thanks.
  11. nubster

    Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...

    Quick photo update....everything growing well, getting lots of peppers, starting to see some color. Super excited!   Overall shot              
  12. nubster

    Question about pollinating plants....

    Ah...ok. Yeah, I'll keep it updated for sure if those blooms turn to peppers and turn into something cool.
  13. nubster

    Question about pollinating plants....

    Oh just got complicated.    How do you tell male from female flowers? Or do you just mean the mother plant as the receiver of pollen and father as the giver?
  14. nubster

    Question about pollinating plants....

    That's cool. I figured I'd just play a little and see what happened. There's only maybe 10-15 blooms right now on my reapers so I thought I'd try hand pollinating them and then I saw a few big flowers on one of my chocolate habs so I figured...why not. So I just went from the last to reaper and...
  15. nubster

    Question about pollinating plants....

    I was messing around and tried hand pollinating some of the flowers on my reapers with a small paint brush. Then I decided to try pollinating a few of the flowers on a chocolate hab plant. I used the same brush to see if it would create a reaper/chocolate hab cross. Is cross pollinating...
  16. nubster

    Strawberry Chocolate Brain Strain Hot Sauce (Micro Batch Test)

    Awesome. I may have to "borrow" your idea and give it a try once some of my peppers are ripe. I think the blue/blackberry would be really good too. I have some really nice organic blackberry jelly in the cupboard that maybe I'll use (cheat) and make a really small batch to try out once I have...
  17. nubster

    Strawberry Chocolate Brain Strain Hot Sauce (Micro Batch Test)

    That's what she said. Sorry, couldn't resist.   Seriously did this turn out? Certainly you tasted it at some point. I'm looking for a good sweet-ish sauce to make for myself and for gifts at Christmas.   Also, any other ideas for a sweet or sweet and smokey sauce to check out? I'm a...
  18. nubster

    fermenting Homemade Sriracha sauce (raw + fermented)

    I have two jars I made and forgot about. They've been fermenting for nearly two years now. Think they are ready?
  19. nubster

    Growing Jalapenos in the woods

      I never pick my japs until they are red unless I really really need one for something and all I have are green. I don't dislike the green...just much prefer the red. But like a big dummy...I didn't even plant any this year  :banghead: