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  1. nubster

    Pepper rack complete...not much but I'm proud...

    Now that's a raised
  2. nubster

    Pepper rack complete...not much but I'm proud...

    They are pretty heavy so I don't think they will. If things do get dicey I can install some eye-hooks on each end of each row and use some rope to seatbelt them are 3 gallon pots.   As far as the spacing issue...not sure how big they will get. Top ones should be fine, others how...
  3. nubster

    Pepper rack complete...not much but I'm proud...

    In the raised bed I usually plant my peppers...they never seem to do well. On the side of the house they do great but that area is earmarked for my wife's needed a new place. The only other place in the yard that gets the same amount/intensity of sun as the side of the house...
  4. nubster

    tutorial Growing Hot Peppers Guide + FAQ

    How long do you soak the seeds? If using that straight or diluted and if so, what's the ratio?
  5. nubster

    wanted WTB...Scorpion seeds...

    No...never tried that. I was just reading about it in the grow section. Once I get some seeds...I'll try it...maybe do a 50/50 soak/don't soak and see what happens. 
  6. nubster

    wanted WTB...Scorpion seeds...

    Yeah...I want to say 3 or 4 sources one of them being Hippie Seed Co. So I know that at least one source was good...I don't doubt all of them were though. I'm guessing it's something I am doing there something different/special that these peppers need that differs from japs/habs/ghosts?
  7. nubster

    wanted WTB...Scorpion seeds...

    I've had a few germinate then die off before they get their first leaves. At the same time I'm growing other peppers right next to them and they just take off for me. But mostly to this point it's been a failure to germinate. Out of a couple hundred seeds over the past few years...I've...
  8. nubster

    wanted WTB...Scorpion seeds...

    Cool...thanks. I'll check them out.
  9. nubster

    wanted WTB...Scorpion seeds...

    I've had zero luck in three years of trying. I'd love to grow some scorpions...any variety...I'm not picky. Just want seeds that will actually germinate and give me at least a shot at growing some peppers. I can grow the heck out of japs, habs, and ghost peppers. The scorpion has eluded me thus...
  10. nubster

    Sriracha Sauce

    I have two jars of the stuff I made that's been fermenting since last September. I think it's about ready to  strain and cook. Should be nice and tasty. I made it with my ripe red japs and orange habs.
  11. nubster

    Chef John's version of Sriracha

    I just made two quart jars full with something similar except I used white sugar and a mix of red japs, orange and red habs, and ghost peppers. Fermenting now.
  12. nubster

    fermenting Fermentation good or bad? How to tell?

    I'll try to check the pH. I don't have strips but I do have a liquid kit. I guess that will work? If I can get enough juice to test I suppose. Anyways, I read the thread, well, skimmed over it. I didn't really see how you can tell if it was a successful fermentation. I assume that if it isn't...
  13. nubster

    fermenting Fermentation good or bad? How to tell?

    Ground up some peppers last year (or year before). Mostly if not all jalapenos. Honestly don't remember what I put in the mix. It's been in a year for at least a year or longer. Maybe two years. The jar has just kinda become a fixture in the corner on the counter, I'm getting...
  14. nubster

    overwintering Overwintering stuff...

    What about bringing them in for the winter but with the intentions of having them continue to produce? Good, bad idea? Just dig with without pruning and keep them under appropriate lighting. I'd love to keep some jalapeno peppers going all winter. Otherwise, I'll do as the guide suggests and...
  15. nubster

    pod Supposed to be ghost peppers, but.....

    Yeah, it seemed very hab like...I was pretty sure the second one was a ghost pepper but the first definitely not. They came from the same seed packet which is why I wasn't sure. They're pretty decent little fireballs...I'll have to keep some seeds from them for sure.
  16. nubster

    Trinidad Moruga?

    Those just look EVIL  :fireball:
  17. nubster

    pod Supposed to be ghost peppers, but.....

    My g/f bought me this little "kit" that was supposed to be ghost pepper seeds. It was a metal can, much like a soda can. It has some seeds and media. You started the seeds in the can, which I did. I kept the two strongest plants and have been growing them all summer. I'm finally getting peppers...
  18. nubster

    *CLOSED* 1oz/$10 assorted powders

    Just wondering, are they pure pepper powder or is it a spice mix? I'll be watching for the next availability either way.
  19. nubster

    wanted WTB...Scorpion seeds.

    Don't have to be pure. I'm growing them mostly for the fun and shock value. I doubt seriously I can handle the heat. Of course I'll give them a try and coax as many friends to try them as that, I'll save seeds and offer them back here to the community that's been kind to me.
  20. nubster

    wanted WTB...Scorpion seeds.

    Don't need many. I'd like to have a few plants in the garden this year. THANKS!