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  1. nubster

    wanted WTB Trinidad Scorpion Seeds or bare root plants

    Tried Hippy Seed Co....twice...100% failure rate on the seeds. Not sure if it was the seeds or me...I followed the enclosed instructions. Anyways...just checking to see if any one had some seeds or maybe some plants they didn't want. Thanks.
  2. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel attempted traffic stop can be determined a pursuit within 22 seconds and yes, a pursuit can last only 22 seconds. Why the hell not. Once it starts there are no rules that dictate how long it has to last.
  3. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    Ok...go out and try it and report back when you're done. There is a difference when someone is lit up and makes some acknowledgment that they intend to pull over. When you get lit up and you speed up and continue to pull away from the cop...that is the beginning of a pursuit.
  4. nubster

    seeds Seeds stuck on seedling plants?

    I gently pull on the seed. If it comes off easily great...if not...I leave it alone.
  5. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    It's plenty of time.
  6. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    Clear in the video but the video does not show what the cop saw. How many times have you faced down a potential armed suspect? What was your thought process?
  7. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    How can you even watch the video and not see that the guys on the bike were attempting to run from the police. One guy nearly killed himself by hitting the curb because he was trying to get away. The other guy only stopped cause there was another cruiser cutting him off.
  8. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    You mean he stops only after his friend wrecks and then he gets cut off by another cruiser nearly 30 seconds AFTER the lights and siren come on. As far as placing your hand on your hip as instinct is to do what I am told to do when a cop with his weapon drawn is yelling at me.
  9. nubster

    Hothouse/Hotbox designs, considerations?

    I think I am going to build something similar for next year. Make it in a couple small units that can be placed on top of one of my raised beds. I am also going to install brackets on a couple of my beds so that I can install hoop houses over top of them so I can plant a little earlier and not...
  10. nubster

    New Tattoo

    Not a waste of money, time, or body if it is what the person wants. To each their own.
  11. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    It's pretty obvious you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Cop cars are NOT bullet proof. Period. So there goes your IF. The cop is not going to just sit in his car and wait for the retard on the bike to start shooting and THEN react. He did what he was trained to do. Idiot on...
  12. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    Cop cars do not have bullet proof glass nor do they have bullet proof doors. Not most of them anyways. I think it is an expensive luxury option that most departments can't afford. And what's the difference in shooting a potentially lethal suspect and running him over with your car? Both are...
  13. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    Tazer is pretty much the only other option in that situation other than waiting and hoping the guy on the bike doesn't turn around and start shooting. And not all departments/officers carry a tazer as they are really expensive. The higher courts have ruled before that in a situation such as...
  14. nubster

    Creepy kid...

    ROFLMAO !!!!
  15. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    Since you were there and saw the whole thing go down....please tell us your perspective.
  16. nubster

    food Beef Enchilada

    Making them tonight for dinner...I'll get some pics for you :P
  17. nubster

    Disgusted, outraged, I really dont know what to feel

    Exactly. That is why I said "Ignorance". Because anyone that watches this video or videos like it and starts talking a bunch of shit and starts talking about committing violence against the cop is ignorant. I agree with you 100%. 99% of the people out there in society and this board is no...
  18. nubster

    food Beef Enchilada

    Filling: 1 # Ground Beef or Chicken 1 large onion 2 cloves garlic 7 oz can green chilies 2 beef bouillon cubes 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp cilantro ½ tsp cumin 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp paprika 6 oz shredded cheddar Brown the hamburger and add onion and garlic. Cook until onion is soft. Drain fat...