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  1. Islander

    Pinoy83's Continous Glog 2013

    Good looking stuff you have growing! Wish i would have came across your glog a couple weeks ago, I was working over at Sand Island from March 3-13..... Would have been cool to stop by and check out your chilis! I was pretty jealous when i stopped by my dads and saw a Brain Strain full of bright...
  2. Islander

    First Crop Ever

    That dog kennel grow house is simply just bad@ss ! lol
  3. Islander

    Pale thin looking leaves?

    The way i have the light mounted is kinda permanent so i just reduced the photoperiod. I thought they would be ok considering they were in a south facing window before with decent exposure.
  4. Islander

    Lots of ripe pods! Things are about to get serious in the kitchen!!

    Thanks! Throughout the week i plan to start prepping my grow area outside. I will take measurements and start marking the layout of my beds and leveling the ground as needed. The plan is for (3) 4x8's, but I may try to do (4). Still havent decided what I will use for my bed sides. Its...
  5. Islander

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    Is the "Happy Frog" Bat Guano sufficient enough with mycorrhizae to use in the AACT? My thoughts were to use the Bat Guano, Fish/Seaweed fert, mushroom compost, molasses.........
  6. Islander

    Pale thin looking leaves?

    I will adjust lighting as needed, once they recover i will slowly raise the photoperiod. I had a feeling that would happen.... just because the lighting setup i am running puts off a very high PAR # because of the way the reflector is designed. And also in combination with the bulb and balast...
  7. Islander

    Pale thin looking leaves?

    The seedlings were sitting in a south facing window with blinds halfway open for about a month, and then i moved them under a 400Watt MH 4200k. The light is approx 24" above the seedlings. I started the photoperiod @ 18hrs on 6 hrs off and then noticed the color changing so i decreased the...
  8. Islander

    Pale thin looking leaves?

    its kindof hard to see the paling. Some of the leaves look like they are turning white and thining out. I am running a 400 Watt MH 4200k
  9. Islander

    Pale thin looking leaves?

    Is this from Overwatering, Underwatering, Too much lighting?
  10. Islander

    Lots of ripe pods! Things are about to get serious in the kitchen!!

    Lol. Smart phone corrected.... it should have said started turning "Pale" .... But i do have a cayenne blend turning purple :)
  11. Islander

    Lots of ripe pods! Things are about to get serious in the kitchen!!

    Thanks! Hope your grow is a success as well! I have heard good things about the Fresno.
  12. Islander

    Proper posting area for a newbie question....?

    rajr/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140321_095433_125_zpsb41dd99d.jpg[/IMG][/URL Test
  13. Islander

    soil Raised bed soil mix opinions

    Trying to stay organic
  14. Islander

    soil Raised bed soil mix opinions

    I am kind of leary about using local nursery top soil dues to diseases and such. But on the other hand as long as i give it a good drench with some AACT and mix in some manure and other compost I should be ok right? I also plan on letting it cook for about 2-3 weeks before planting.
  15. Islander

    soil Raised bed soil mix opinions

    Im growing a mix of chiles. Red Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Jolokia Firecracker Chili White Hab Orange Hab Pepper Joes Jalapeno Red Peter Pepper Trinidad Moruga Scorpian Carolina Reaper Cayenne Yes our soil is full of clay/rocks and is horrible for planting! lol
  16. Islander

    soil Raised bed soil mix opinions

    Here are a few things that i have found locally and would like some opinions on what and how much to mix into my raised bed. Mushroom Compost Chicken Manure Cow Manure Earthworm Castings Spagnum Moss Top Soil Perlite All Purpose Sand Bloodmeal Bonemeal Limestone Powder These are the ones i can...
  17. Islander

    Proper posting area for a newbie question....?

    Thanks! That explains why i haven't been able to figure it out..... lol
  18. Islander

    Proper posting area for a newbie question....?

    I have used other forums in the past and cant figure out how to post pics from my mobile. I am browsing in the full site mode. Thanks in advance for help!