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Pale thin looking leaves?

Maybe I am missing something, but your seedlings look pretty normal. Do you keep the soil moist? What kind of light are they getting?
its kindof hard to see the paling. Some of the leaves look like they are turning white and thining out. I am running a 400 Watt MH 4200k
     Did you recently increase the intensity of the light, or move the lights closer to the plants? Usually plants respond to too much light by turning purplish (suntan), but if light intensity was increased quickly, they can get burned in a very short time.
Agree - hard to tell from those pics. Too much light may turn them white or white-ish, while too much water turns them yellow. That said, it's kind of hard to give them too much light using man-made lights if you started them out immediately with the lights. Qualifiers are if you went from ambient lighting to a sudden change to direct light or have the light too close.
geeme said:
That said, it's kind of hard to give them too much light using man-made lights if you started them out immediately with the lights. 
Interestingly enough, a few of my seedlings this year had their cotys turn completely purple despite being started under lights. I only used two 10 watt CFLs that were about 4 inches away too, granted this was in an enclosed box lined with mylar. Everything else was fine though. Just thought that was a little weird.

The seedlings were sitting in a south facing window with blinds halfway open for about a month, and then i moved them under a 400Watt MH 4200k. The light is approx 24" above the seedlings. I started the photoperiod @ 18hrs on 6 hrs off and then noticed the color changing so i decreased the photoperiod to 9hrs on 15 hrs off. I also added a fan that i turn on approx 10 hrs a day. Not sure if it has anything to do with it but i am also running my lights during late pm- early am hours to offset the little bit of coolness in garage at night.
I will adjust lighting as needed, once they recover i will slowly raise the photoperiod. I had a feeling that would happen.... just because the lighting setup i am running puts off a very high PAR # because of the way the reflector is designed. And also in combination with the bulb and balast as well.
Maybe try raising the light up twelve inches or so to cut the intensity, unless thats what you meant by adjust the lighting, then just ignore that :) It's good to kind of harden plants off to HID if they've only had CFL/low lighting.
The way i have the light mounted is kinda permanent so i just reduced the photoperiod. I thought they would be ok considering they were in a south facing window before with decent exposure.
It isn't so much the length of the light cycle as its intensity. They may well thrive eventually, but with HID it is useful to have the lights hanging from chains or light yo-yos (there is a real name out there, somewhere), for easier movement.