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  1. Islander

    seeds Seedlings are sprouted and a few inches tall..... whats next?

    I picked up a 4200k 400W MH bulb and mounted my reflector 24" above tallest seedling. I will post some pics once i figure out how... lol
  2. Islander

    Czechoslovakian Black: Huge cotyledons!

    Very nice! What color pods does this produce?
  3. Islander

    seeds Seedlings are sprouted and a few inches tall..... whats next?

    So leaving them in the seed tray until transplant time is ok? I have a 400 watt lumenbright mini reflector and 400watt pfo m80 ballast from my old aquarium is that overkill? How many hours of light and how many inches above the plants?
  4. Islander

    seeds Seedlings are sprouted and a few inches tall..... whats next?

    Nice! Thanks for the video! Simple cheap diy light. Simply awesome!
  5. Islander

    seeds Seedlings are sprouted and a few inches tall..... whats next?

    I have a burpee seed tray that i replaced the pellets with the jiffy organic mix and almost all of them have sprouted and are slowly growing. I have them sitting in front of a south facing window with blinds about 1/3 way open. Watering them as needed to maintain a moist soil. What is the...
  6. Islander

    seeds Numex twilight seeds to trade for...

    What kind of flavor/ SHU do these chiles consist of?
  7. Islander

    Volcano in a Box

    From what i have read Pepper Joe is the only person Ed has given exclusive rights to sell/market the Carolina Reaper...... I think there is timeline photos and info of the 2 of them together throughout the Reapers testings and stuff.
  8. Islander

    container Raised Bed or 5 Gal Containers

    Nice! If the kids and work didnt take up so much of my time i would definitely intermix hobbys :)
  9. Islander

    container Raised Bed or 5 Gal Containers

    LOL! Yeah the funny thing is a few months before i decided to get out of reefkeeping i was helping a friend get out of the hobby because he was moving to a base in TX and i saw these peppers he was growing and asked what they were....... they were the infamous "Ghost Pepper"..... so i asked...
  10. Islander

    container Raised Bed or 5 Gal Containers

    Wow!  Thanks for all the replies!  Im liking this community already :)     I currently live in Tennessee around Nashville.  Im from Hilo Hawaii.  I had planned on lining the bottom of the bed with plastic but a breathable weed barrier would be a better choice.  And if i did do containers i would...
  11. Islander

    container Raised Bed or 5 Gal Containers

    Hello THP Members   I have recently stepped into the world of growing superhots :)   My plan was to build a few 4'x8'x 12" raised beds.  Line the bottom with thick plastic and then brick pavers. For the soil I planned on doing a 3 part mix of manure, sand, garden soil.  Any recommendations as to...