Czechoslovakian Black: Huge cotyledons!

This plant has been taking its sweet time growing.  It's an organic heirloom variety and it's the only one I have left out of 6 seedlings unfortunately.
As it's taking its sweet time I've been patiently waiting for it to get leaves.  VERY patiently...the plant is almost a month old!  It seemed like the cotys have just been getting bigger!  I finally noticed some last night, with nice purple tips on them, growing true to the variety.  I'm looking forward to growing this one out, it's supposed to have purple flowers :)
That's some nice fat coty's! Nice colour too. I'm loving the dark coloured plants atm. My Hungarian black's and CGN21500's had the same colour at that stage. Good luck and hope it produces well for you! 
floricole said:
are they similar in size and taste  as Black Hungarian ?
My friend that traded these seeds to me told me they are slightly smaller and don't have the corking...and are also slightly hotter
Islander said:
Very nice! What color pods does this produce?
They turn green to blackish purple to a very dark red
Nigel said:
That`s not a knife, this is a knife..............
CGN 23233
Is that a wild variety?
ikeepfish said:

Is that a wild variety?
No, it`s some sort of C.chinense. As with about 60-70% of my grow this year, I have no clue what it will look like later on.  :rolleyes:
Nigel said:
No, it`s some sort of C.chinense. As with about 60-70% of my grow this year, I have no clue what it will look like later on.  :rolleyes:
Haha I have a feeling I'm going to end up with a lot more ???s next year.  I have two mystery peppers now but 100% sure they aren't a cross of any type.