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    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    @CaneDog thank you! I'm excited to share that some of the seeds for the EPFH that I started this past Tuesday have already germinated! I'm excited about finally growing this new species this year.
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    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    @CaneDog thank you! I'll see if I can squeeze in at least two varieties. What do you find to be the difference between the red and yellow varieties as far as flavor? Which do you prefer?
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    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    @CaneDog I purchased and started seeds for ERPFH, Turbo Pube and Rocoto de Seda. With space limitations, I may have to pick just one. If taste is my highest priority, and general ease of growing also a consideration, which of the three would you say would be the best?
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    seeds Tips for Germinating 20-Year Old Seed?

    Great advice once again! Yes my gut just tells me to avoid the paper towels because of past issues with mold. I grow carnivorous plants and have some Hoffman peat that I can run through a colander to get the finest particles out, now I have to figure out what ratio of promix to peat to use, and...
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    seeds Tips for Germinating 20-Year Old Seed?

    Hi @Karpasruuti . Here's a link to a description of it, which also lists the ingredients: @CaneDog this is a good point about the fortification. I also have Promix HP, which I could mix with some straight peat...
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    seeds Tips for Germinating 20-Year Old Seed?

    Thank you, everyone, for the advice and good wishes! @CaneDog @Bou I've been using Happy Frog soil for seed starting, because it's a perfect consistency and it has the myco and beneficial microorganisms to support the growth once it germinates. I don't use seed starting soils anymore because...
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    seeds Tips for Germinating 20-Year Old Seed?

    Hi Everyone, I have a bad habit of holding on to things and I've got myself a bit of a time capsule when it comes to pepper seeds. I have about 18 USDA PI C. chinense varieties that I acquired back in 2004, plus my original Trinidad Scorpion seeds (the ones that were sent to Butch T and the...
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    music Best Reggae

    If you can play funk, I bow to you. That's some wild stuff!
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    music Best Reggae

    Nice! Any reggae? What's your favorite genre?
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    misc Some Memories from Many Years Ago

    I do still have a few from that original 2006 batch. I believe that the Scotch Bonnet Foodarama strain is sold commercially now by a few sellers. I'll never forget her. We had some great conversations over the phone. We'd bounce back and forth between small talk and what peppers we were...
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    misc Some Memories from Many Years Ago

    One more: a rant that I went on late one night on the old GardenWeb forum after spinning my wheels for a few hours about the common names of some peppers. Note that this was back in about 2005 or 2006, so some things have changed since then! "The thing that gets to me about scotch bonnets, is...
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    misc Some Memories from Many Years Ago

    Mods I hope this is in the right subforum! Apologies if it isn't! Every year around this time I go through my stash of pepper seeds, and every year I take a moment to look at the seeds that were sent to me by friends who I've lost touch with or who are no longer with us. I thought I'd share...
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    music Best Reggae

    @hogleg these are some fantastic selections! I just started playing the bass about 2 years ago and my teacher used to tour with UB40, Mighty Diamonds, Horace Andy, Black Uhuru and quite a few other artists, so I learned how to play the bass through many of these bass lines. Keep them coming!
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    What unusual vegetables are you growing ?

    @SpicyBob that sounds like a cool list! This year I want to try growing purple sweet potatoes. Not the Murasaki which have purple skin and white flesh, but the ones with purple flesh like the Okinawan or Stokes. I have some Stokes and Okinawan sweet potatoes put aside and am going to try to...
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    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    Thanks again for your help everyone! @CaneDog I went with Ecuador Red Pepper from Hell, Rocoto de Seda and Rocoto Turbo Pube. @Pr0digal_son good call on the shade cloth!
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    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    @HellfireFarm @Crazy Monkey @CaneDog @growyourown just one more question for now! What would be the minimum pot size for them if I wanted to keep them for a few years? I have to conserve space because I'm also planning on growing fig trees this year for the first time and will have about 10 fig...
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    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    CaneDog, thank you so much! I will keep everyone posted.
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    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    Thanks folks for your help! I should have asked about pot size-I imagine 12" would be too small. Should I go with 16-18"? @CaneDog Turbo Pube and Rio Huallaga sound interesting, as does Ecuadorian Pepper from Hell. Can you recommend any reliable sources for seeds? Also are any of these better...
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    container Questions about Growing C. pubescens

    Hey Everyone, I have lots of experience growing all of the Capsicum species besides pubescens. I've just never given them a shot, but I think this year I'd like to give it a try. I did look back over some of the older threads on it and got some info, but I was interested in seeing if any of...
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    flavor Pepper with the strongest citrus flavor ?

    Fatalii was the first one to pop in my head when I thought citrus. I agree with the Limon chinense being citrusy too. Madame Jeanette and Devil's Tongue have that citrusy flavor but both are more balanced with smoky/nutty/peppery flavors too. My original Scotch Bonnet TFM has a very nice citrusy...