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  1. maximumcapsicum

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Good information. I'll wait the summer time when I can assemble what they need to grow. I am thinking a terrarium to regulate their humidity. Light should be a major problem, and they look so stunning I imagine it's worth the trouble. This is a great thread.
  2. maximumcapsicum

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Very cool thread. One of those Heliamphora sure would look good in my apartment. Couldn't bring one in without a sundew and vft also though.... decisions decisions.   Great pics! Very cool world, and nice complement to pepper growing!
  3. maximumcapsicum

    PaulG 2015

    Those are very orderly 3 coty plants. Normally they look a little ugly before they get their trues going, but those look nice and normal.   Great job Paul! AeroGarden is on my wish list, right after a house and a surrounding organic garden for kitchen/putaway.
  4. maximumcapsicum

    JJJ Glog 2015....Peppers,Peppers,Peppers.....

    Love the glog JJJ. Gives me plenty of ideas. I think I am going to start a basil and greens rotation on my grow shelf as the peppers get bigger (going to move them to window sills a couple weeks after their big pot up). I'd really like to try to keep fresh herbs and greens around, and your grow...
  5. maximumcapsicum

    Devv's 2015 - 16, Life is good!

    Plants look fantastic Scott! Nice use of the grow cloth and local conditions. It's cool to see how you set up and adapt your grow. They're gonna be stretchin up soon. They gonna pose in front of the pool this year?
  6. maximumcapsicum

    Virgil's Small Scale Glog

    Plants look very nice! You had any fruits set?
  7. maximumcapsicum

    Devv's 2015 - 16, Life is good!

    Sounds like you took appropriate action. Aphids are brutal when they get going. All female, reproducing asexually until they kill their hosts, then growing wings to find more plants. They killed all of my bonchis this spring, kept one in another room that I could police, my old man Chiero that's...
  8. maximumcapsicum

    Pinoy83's one last try!!!2015...Aquaponics(Golden Hawaiian Tilapias)

    Looks like tea time! Glad things are runnin well Jericson!
  9. maximumcapsicum

    Stickman's 2015 - That's All She Wrote...

    Glad to hear they arrived! Sorry it took so long to get them in the mail... Could only have improved the taste of the sauce right? Sure. Rookie year, I've learned a lot and will adapt as I get more time to dedicate to it. Annuums are from a goats weed that didn't grow true. I found them to be...
  10. maximumcapsicum

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

    Nice cutting boards!
  11. maximumcapsicum

    PaulG 2015

        I know the feeling. At some point in the future I'll invest in bonsai pots and what have you and make it happen for real. I think chinenses can keep going and going, and they get some very gnarly looking bark after a season or two. But yeah, once the aphids show up it all goes out the...
  12. maximumcapsicum

    HBJ 2015 - Got a box of pepper love in mail today!!!

    Great new glog HJeff! Sorry I haven't been around much... Gonna be following along as I can though. how have you been liking those sauce recipes?
  13. maximumcapsicum

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

    Whoa. You can probably do a group shot in the early stages Noah. Maybe measure you're best competitors after plantout. Gonna be fun watching your progress.
  14. maximumcapsicum

    Devv's 2015 - 16, Life is good!

    Nice selection of plants, and they're looking like they're enjoying their solos. Scaling back is hard... The key is focussing on what you'll use. That and making time to use em. Pretty cool that you're growin year round. Hope I settle somewhere that isn't too cold.
  15. maximumcapsicum

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

    Let's do this! I got seeds for this one already from GA Growhead. Just got to figure out where I can add one more plant!!!
  16. maximumcapsicum

    PaulG 2015

    Love these pics Paul! I'm always a sucker for a good bonsai. Envious of your OW's. I had to do some conferences and my plants got walloped by aphids. Saved one (2yo) chiero roxa, but had to bag the rest. I'm amazed you can keep your greenhouse pest free.
  17. maximumcapsicum

    Stickman's 2015 - That's All She Wrote...

    Great looking list Rick! I sure do love the bubblegums... Do the chocolates have the big calyx on the pods like the reds? Glad you're back. Stay warm!
  18. maximumcapsicum

    PaulG 2015

    Great work Paul! Going to be following along this year also!
  19. maximumcapsicum

    Devv's 2015 - 16, Life is good!

    Two seasons! Awesome plan. Can't wait to see how it pans out.    Planted seeds from the aji lemons you sent me last year. 100% germ in under 4 days. Looks like the Devine Magic has come to the ATL.
  20. maximumcapsicum

    Jamison 2015

    Lookin' good Jamison! Will be following along!