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  1. Heisenberg

    Starting a Lacto starter

        I was just googling around looking through info on its nutritional requirements and the types of polysaccharides that it will ferment when I had come across that paper, but I dont remember what my exact search string was and I cant seem to find it.  If I do come across it again Ill post the...
  2. Heisenberg

    Starting a Lacto starter

    I'm in Canada, but it shouldn't matter. I got mine at Walmart in the vitamin section of their pharmacy. You could probably get them really at any pharmacy. There are different kinds but some have other probiotic bacteria with the lacto. I opted for the one that only has the 2 strains of...
  3. Heisenberg

    Starting a Lacto starter

    So I took some samples and made slides to look at the relative number of bacteria.  For the pills, I crushed one up and hydrated with an isotonic saline solution.    This first pic is of the pill, I was shocked to see active bacteria and not just spores.       This next one is of some whey that...
  4. Heisenberg

    Starting a Lacto starter

    The main thing I'm trying to accomplish is the speed at which the bacteria really get going.  When I did 5 jars of habanero mash all using whey, they all got the same amount of the starter, 3 took off after about 3 days, of the other 2, one fermented very slowly, the other pretty much not at...
  5. Heisenberg

    Starting a Lacto starter

    So I've fermented using whey with mixed results. I've moved to lacto probiotic pills, but things seem slow. The thing with the pills, it says x millions of active cultures, but they can't be active as they are dry pills and would not be alive without a source of moisture and nutrients...
  6. Heisenberg

    heat Extracts: Advanced Home Techniques

      Dont get it on your will not wash off.  In fact you wont even know you have it on your hands until a few days later after UV light has darkened it.  Your hands will be black and like I said, it doesnt wash will have to wait to grow new skin.  Can also become explosive...
  7. Heisenberg

    fermenting Down the drain...first fermented sauce

    I didnt sterilize my jars.  I figured that since the peppers arent boiled/sterilized and that im actually trying to grow bacteria, it seemed pointless.  I figure the best way to keep the nasties out is for the lacto to get going quickly.  The faster it takes hold, the quicker it becomes...
  8. Heisenberg

    fermenting Garlic and Shallot mash

      This is some good info right here, makes sense.  And ya know, I think I actually like the fact that its green.  That how to peel garlic link is awesome by the way, took me forever.
  9. Heisenberg

    fermenting Garlic and Shallot mash

    So last night I started a jar of garlic and a jar of shallot mash.  It pretty much consisted of a lot of tedious cutting/peeling, a lot of patience, and a little bit of crying.  Shredded them up in the food processor as Im a firm believer of smaller pieces leading to a quicker and more...
  10. Heisenberg

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    Ok so did some testing on my 5 jars of habanero mash last night.  3 of my jars always had good activity and they ended up having high lactate levels, and low pH.  Of 2 jars I was concerned with (low activity), one had a higher pH, and low lactate level (which is of major concern), and the other...
  11. Heisenberg

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    So I opened my jars today that are pretty much done fermenting, (i know, i know), and one of the jars had something yellow growing under the lid.  Coincidentally I had opened that jar a few days ago to add a crushed up lacto acidophilus pill to it because it was one of the jars that didnt seem...
  12. Heisenberg

    fermenting Homemade incubator for my lacto-ferments

      Nah.  The lids arent screwed down tight.  They are loose enough to vent gases when the pressure builds, but not so loose that they are open to oxygen.  But you could screw them down tight so long as you burp the jars every couple days.
  13. Heisenberg

    fermenting Homemade incubator for my lacto-ferments

    So lacking any particular hot area of the house to put my jars of habs that Im fermenting, I decided to make my own little 'hot-box'.  Hoping that this will increase the fermentation rate...especially for 2 of the jars that seem to be a little slow in making with the bubbles.     Just used an...
  14. Heisenberg

    tutorial Making Hot Sauce 101

    Awesome, thanks for the responses guys.  I may try both.  After reading Rocketman's Theriac thread, I think I may start fermenting a jar of garlic, and a jar of shallots....or as we call them in my house, fancy onions. :surprised:
  15. Heisenberg

    tutorial Making Hot Sauce 101

    Just curious about something. In the recipes that I have been messing with I have used fresh garlic. I noticed on a bottle of "Frank's" that it lists in the ingredients garlic powder. So it got me thinking as to why garlic powder over fresh garlic? Easier? Or maybe does it distribute the...
  16. Heisenberg

    Hot sauce with seeds

    Salsa lady, sorry for the late reply. I ate it on chicken, not alone. I've never had stomach issues before when eating extremely hot food, so that was the only thing I figure I could attribute it to. I experimented again and made a small batch of habanero/cayenne sauce. I deseeded them all...
  17. Heisenberg

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

      This is what my jars all look like right now.  3 of the 5 have had a lot of action, 2 of them not so much.  I know its bad to open them, but being only a week into the ferment I risked it.  I opened the 2 that havent been doing much, and one of the ones thats bubbling like crazy, and I took a...
  18. Heisenberg

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    Just curious.  How would you all describe the smell of proper lacto-fermenting peppers?  Ive searched and read through tons of posts, but mostly people just say "it smells...lacto-fermented".  From the gases venting out, mine smell kinda sour to sulfur/rotten egg-ish.  But not so rotten eggish...
  19. Heisenberg

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    So I'm a few days into my ferment now. I had used 1 litre mason jars, and I didn't have any airlocks so I left the lids a tad loose so they could vent. I've read that a white yeast on top is not unusual, and to just skim it off at the end of the ferment. Today I thought I saw a little white...
  20. Heisenberg

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    Perfect, thank you!  Going to start a mash today.  :drooling: