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  1. Jase4224

    heat Ed Currie's newest hottest pepper

    I thought ghosts were closer to 1 million SHU..? The vid says 600k I would have thought the average would be higher than that. I don't buy the ghost (or was it Pakistani Naga?) X hab (or sweet red hab) story at all I don't know how the Reaper came to be but I don't believe that story. And...
  2. Jase4224

    Please diagnose this ailment

    Re potting was the right move. If you have used a quality mix with added fertiliser then there is no need for you to fertilise for at least a couple of months. If you have sprayed with Epsom salt already that will be fine as long as it wasn't a strong solution. But the leaves look quite green so...
  3. Jase4224


    Wow Bahamian goat was mentioned as a favourite in the first ever topic!
  4. Jase4224

    Using aerated fish poop

    Yep like Powelly said. Gets the microbes going which in turn breaks everything down making the nutrients available for the plants to take up.
  5. Jase4224

    water My Tap water ph is 9.0, is this ok?

    Been using PH down (phosphoric acid) in the same pots for over a year.. no problems. In fact my pots are thriving with a range of fungi and plenty of worms breaking down the old leaves and mulch. It only requires 4-5 millilitres in 200 litres of water to bring my PH from 8+ to 6.5... so when...
  6. Jase4224

    scovilles Dragon's breath...2.48m scovilles?

    I do agree, if I want to grow the worlds hottest chillies I'll ask here which ones to grow. I probably wouldn't even consider the Reaper. But Guinness does get the chilli growing community some attention and brings people in that become proper informed growers.. as a whole it keeps average Joe...
  7. Jase4224

    water My Tap water ph is 9.0, is this ok?

    You can add a few drops at a time to a large vessel and stir, then re test until you have the right PH. Even if you had the dosage chart you would still have to test to make sure it's right before giving it to your plants anyway. Based on my experience I would start with one drop per two...
  8. Jase4224

    water My Tap water ph is 9.0, is this ok?

    Agreed. I have a 200L drum that I fill with tap water (when it's not raining) and use PH DOWN to adjust to 6.5 then use that to water my potted plants. The improvement since doing so has increased my yield 10X with same number of plants.
  9. Jase4224

    scovilles Dragon's breath...2.48m scovilles?

    Having your 'own creation' as the Guinness record would obviously be great marketing for any company invested in chillies. I can understand why companies would want to chase that crown - I mean how many people would have known about Puckerbut had they not got the Reaper in Guinness? The Reaper...
  10. Jase4224

    container chicken eggshell as container. what do you think?

    Very cool plant! Interesting to see how the pods ripen and Tate.
  11. Jase4224

    Big Black Mama (Troy Primo)

    There's another review on The Hippy Seed Compony website..
  12. Jase4224

    container chicken eggshell as container. what do you think?

    Interesting cross! Would love to see what the plant and pods look like (especially in an emu egg - never though I'd say that!).
  13. Jase4224

    Back into Growing

    Off the top of my head.. 1. You can use 'PH Down' (phosphoric acid) to bring down the PH of you feed water. 2. Adding well composted organic material can help correct PH. 3. Garden Sulphur can be mixed in with your soil and will lower PH. Good luck *Btw.. 7 is not too bad you only need to...
  14. Jase4224

    scovilles Dragon's breath...2.48m scovilles?

    What varieties would they be? Just out of interest.. Would be cool to see the record beaten, just because it's been a while.
  15. Jase4224

    sun How much sun?

    Lol I go out of my way to read the bickering between the two of you.. it's like husband and wife ;)
  16. Jase4224

    Zapotec Jalapeno Memorial Group

    Awesome Gary sent me some seeds as a bonus with some BOC seeds I asked for. I'll be growing 4 plants next season :) thanks for posting the history of this chilli. As with the P.Dreadie SS SB this will be fun to grow!
  17. Jase4224

    scovilles Dragon's breath...2.48m scovilles?

    I have some plants that look exactly like this, topped early in their first season then buried deeper in larger pots for their second season. Actually gives you very sturdy plants and greatly reduces the need for staking. Each branch ends up looking like a main stem eventually.
  18. Jase4224

    Grrrrr.... Complete Rip-Off!

    ThatBlondeGuy101... I assume that YOU are also joking and going along with what couldn't possibly be more obviously a fake post. Good humour I almost believed you were genuinely pissed off lol! :)
  19. Jase4224

    chinense Habanada peppers

    Lol sorry I didn't really explain that the Aji Jobito starts off green then ripens to yellow. But if you give it another week or so it will eventually go orangish.. that's when it has the most flavour :) I first starting eating them when they were yellow assuming they were fully ripe and wasn't...