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  1. Jase4224

    heat Ed Currie's newest hottest pepper

    That chocolate mutant looks effing scary!
  2. Jase4224

    heat Ed Currie's newest hottest pepper So we should have a new record holder by the end of the year..
  3. Jase4224

    heat Faking a world's hottest pepper.

    Not to mention sauce sales all around the world..
  4. Jase4224

    heat Ed Currie's newest hottest pepper

    Hippie Seed Co also had an official attempt i have seen the pic on here somewhere. So perhaps the process from start to finish takes a long time?
  5. Jase4224

    heat Faking a world's hottest pepper.

    That's actually a good point though.. only the tiniest amount of capsaicin would need to be added. Like enough to get a chilli up to 2.5mil shu or something. But then you have to have multiple generations and do many plants as well? I gues you could send a few dried pods to Ed Curry for a...
  6. Jase4224

    heat Ed Currie's newest hottest pepper

    At least it's not red. Actually looks pretty cool.
  7. Jase4224

    White Hot Peppers 2017

    Bih x Sugar Rush Peach BOC x Aji Pineapple YUM
  8. Jase4224

    Puckerbutt's C7??

    Please show!
  9. Jase4224

    Toenail fungus cure?

    Glad there is no pics in this thread lol
  10. Jase4224

    Green sauce test

    I made a green chilli mash (just green cayennes + salt) once and after adding the white vinegar and processing I then put a decent pinch of shredded dried nori seaweed to each 150ml bottle. Was awesome, especially on fresh oysters! Green chillies and seaweed are a surprisingly good match!
  11. Jase4224

    fermenting How can I tone down heat on Habanero ferment?

    You mentioned that 5% salt was too salty.. what kind of salt did you use? I find that high quality salt (like Murray River pink salt or even Maldon sea salt) will increase flavour but not taste salty. I have fermented with these salts with great results. I'm not a fan of kosher salt. Also my...
  12. Jase4224

    Large Brown Rocoto

    Do you have an online album that people can check out?
  13. Jase4224

    Rocoto Montufar PI585273

    Love the way your pics capture the colours.
  14. Jase4224

    Moruga Welders 2017 Grow

    Perhaps the horses are on steroids?? Nice looking grow
  15. Jase4224

    Moruga Welders 2017 Grow

    Perhaps the horses are on steroids?? Nice looking grow
  16. Jase4224

    Moruga Welders 2017 Grow

    Perhaps the horses are on steroids?? Nice looking grow
  17. Jase4224

    chinense Ghost flavor

    I think it's quite interesting how different some opinions here are on the bhut flavour. I'm not talking like or dislike because that's totally subjective. What surprises me is some say the flavour is 'neutral' whilst other say they have a strong flavour.. surely we cannot be tasting the same...
  18. Jase4224

    chinense Ghost flavor

    I found the flavour of red and caramel bhuts to be very intense. To me they tasted like 'pot pury' (that dried rose petal crap) and I hated them. Extremely hot and overpowering taste I cannot stand them! On the other hand I love peach bhuts they are fruity.
  19. Jase4224

    chinense Chocolate Bhutlah SM from Puckerbutt

    Just call it the Chocolate Bhutlah AJ ;) I'm kidding BTW