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  1. S

    7 yellow pot? Or 7 yellow brain strain?

    Yeah and I also recall that the yellow 7 pot doesn't have that much of a hot punch to it, I have a tolerance for spicy food and this pepper just kicked my ass I couldn't even finish it , it has such a good taste to it too Yeah and I also recall that the yellow 7 pot doesn't have that much of a...
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    7 yellow pot? Or 7 yellow brain strain?

    Not yet its been almost a month with them green I'm thinking any time soon I just thought the regular yellow strain had smooth skin
  3. S

    7 yellow pot? Or 7 yellow brain strain?

    So now that my so called 7 yellow pot has given peppers they look more like the brain strain. When I bought my plants off a guy he sold them to me as 7 yellow pot but they look like brain strain? Keep in mind they aren't ripped yet and I wanted to test one out. It had a really fruity smell...
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    Lola is a sun conure she is mulching her feathers turning yellow
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    Update : 9/23/2012 Changed light bulb to hps Major growth And finally some 7 yellow pod peppers are growing. Some of the first flowers were dropping and noticed they had no pollen; a re-adjustment of ph, nutes and and added fan took care of that problem.
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    Are my roots healthy?

    That's how big they are, I would think they are since I do have a huge round air stone pretty much taking the whole space at the bottom of the bucket
  7. S

    Are my roots healthy?

    It's a big round airstone it fits the whole bucket, I haven't taken temp but when I touch the water it feels cool. I've never had algae could it be from the nuts or the hydroton ? The plant isn't dying it's growing like crazy
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    Are my roots healthy?

    I was just curious is ran color normal on roots? They don't smell more look slimy, my plant is growing like crazy; I was just worried if this was root rot? I use h2o2 every 5 days on it and the water temp stays low in the reservoir.
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    Thnx :-) Im more excited for the yellow 7 pot, since I heard the butch t's don't have great flavor, I should have gotten some brain strains or the Carolina reaper, oh well next year
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    Update: 3 weeks from last post, major growth on all plants Yellow 7 pot is loaded with pods and some opened flowers. Here is Lola desperately waiting for her peppers :-).
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    End of the trail Slimeball!

    rofl !!!!
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    Yeah hydrotons clay mIne depleted so they had to close down, there is another company that started making the expanded clay balls.
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    Update: my Trinidad S. butch T has grown some The yellow 7 pod has flowerished even more I noticed the yellow 7 pot grew sideways from the stem and stressed its own self becoming really bushy and mature quicker than my other plants. Has anyone else experience that? I also noticed the...
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    The nutes have a strong smell when in closed in the room, plus I heard that once the plants start giving peppers they start to smell. I've had good luck so far; the roots finally got out the net and into the water. I check the plants water level, ph, and nute level twice a week. They seem to do...
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    Thnx I think I'll make a log of my progress, I'll be adding some heirloom tomatoes in there.
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    hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

    I just wanted to share my plants progress. Here are my plants before I placed them in my grow tent, they were only getting light from 7am to 12pm Not much growth had happen with the amount of light they were receiving. After placing them in my grow tent within 1week and a half here are the...
  17. S

    Light question

    So I decided to wait till winter to use my hps light on my hydro plants, I currently have the plants inside a room that has a window facing east. The plants get good morning light. My concern is that once the sun passes mid point I no longer get direct light to them. Is the morning to around 1pm...
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    Is my plant ok?

    Yeah I know, but I live out here in the desert and it's either really hot or really cold, I want to keep the plant for as long as possible
  19. S

    Is my plant ok?

    So I got home checked my ph it got a lil high, brought it back down. Upped the ppm to about 450 on each plant, I think my problem might have been the drip system splashing on the leaves so I created a shield on them maybe this will solve the issue. I noticed the plant that was taller and was not...