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hydroponic My hydroponic peppers

I just wanted to share my plants progress.

Here are my plants before I placed them in my grow tent, they were only getting light from 7am to 12pm


Not much growth had happen with the amount of light they were receiving.

After placing them in my grow tent within 1week and a half here are the results.





I forgot to mention they are butch t's and 7 yellow pot.
Yea ver nice set up, not sure wh you have the carbon filter, but looking good. I am am curious to see how this goes as i didnt have much luck with my hydro try, but i amthinking of starting at it again.
The nutes have a strong smell when in closed in the room, plus I heard that once the plants start giving peppers they start to smell. I've had good luck so far; the roots finally got out the net and into the water. I check the plants water level, ph, and nute level twice a week. They seem to do better when i just leave them alone.

What kind of set up did you have? And what went wrong?
Update: my Trinidad S. butch T has grown some

The yellow 7 pod has flowerished even more

I noticed the yellow 7 pot grew sideways from the stem and stressed its own self becoming really bushy and mature quicker than my other plants. Has anyone else experience that?



I also noticed the yellow 7 is loaded with pods already
Coco Puffs, I like that.....

In the middle of the night when you go looking for Coco Puffs and step on one you will think you hit a land mind.
^ that medium is called Hydroton... works great, and seems to maintain just enough moisture in a hydro setup.... I hear that it may be getting a lot harder to come by in the near future though. Something about the manufacturers going under maybe? Your local Indoor grow store should have some, But its not exactly a Walmart kinda product
Yeah hydrotons clay mIne depleted so they had to close down, there is another company that started making the expanded clay balls.

3 weeks from last post, major growth on all plants

Yellow 7 pot is loaded with pods and some opened flowers.

Here is Lola desperately waiting for her peppers

Great looking plants, can't wait to get my grow room up and running. Just need a light and a few other odds and ends. Keep up the good work!
Thnx :-) Im more excited for the yellow 7 pot, since I heard the butch t's don't have great flavor, I should have gotten some brain strains or the Carolina reaper, oh well next year
Update : 9/23/2012

Changed light bulb to hps

Major growth



And finally some 7 yellow pod peppers are growing. Some of the first flowers were dropping and noticed they had no pollen; a re-adjustment of ph, nutes and and added fan took care of that problem.

