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  1. B


    Whatever this thing's prolific. I harvested close to 100 peppers over the weekend and still have at least 30 of various sizes and stages of ripening. I've given away 4-5 dozen already to the couple of neighbors who would even try them...most won't even eat jalapenos... I have a couple...
  2. B


    Just a quick update. As these peppers have matured and ripened, the flavor has changed slightly, but the heat remains. I threw a couple into the oven with some vegetables my wife was roasting the other day, and they were so hot I couldn't finish them. (but they added a nice bit of spice to the...
  3. B


    Thanks. I'll give it a try.
  4. B


    Since I'm getting requests for seeds...what's the best way to ensure good viable seeds? I presume the peppers need to be fully mature before collecting the seeds, but is it best to just ship a whole pepper, or remove the seeds? Do the seeds need to be dried before shipping? One or two of the...
  5. B


    I always thought habaneros looked like this: but a google search on "peach habanero" also brings this: which looks a LOT like what I have...but the plant looks more like a serrano than this:
  6. B


    Well, since I posted the first pics in this thread, these peppers have started to mature. Quite a change...and definitely NOT toward the Fresno they're supposed to be. I ate one a couple of nights ago, (de-seeded and cut into strips)along with a bowl of salsa made with the jalapenos and...
  7. B


    I've had a couple of requests for seeds. IMO, it's a bit too early for that discussion, BUT, once these mature, I'll post pics and hopefully get a better idea what they actually are. For clarification, I've called these "Fresno peppers" ONLY because that is what they were staked at when I...
  8. B


    FWIW, a couple of these are starting to turn sort of a lemon yellow...Once they completely make the color change, I'll post another pic.
  9. B


    I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that the plant was mis-labeled. I bought many of my vegetable plants at Lowes this spring. I bought a 4-pack of tomatoes that were supposed to be cherry tomatoes...and most of them ended up being the size of softballs. :P (excellent tomatoes though...very...
  10. B


    Ah, a Frezburger...:P I'm in Moo-desto. I have no problem with sharing the seeds, (gee...are we still talking about peppers?) :lol: but since I don't know what they really are...
  11. B


    I'm glad to hear youse both say that. Like I said originally, this plant was staked as a Fresno chili...whatever it is, it's certainly not a Fresno...and I do NOT want habanero peppers. Too hot for me. I ate one of these things the other night with dinner. Since this wasn't the first one of...
  12. B


    After doing some google image searching, I'm beginning to accept that they're indeed habaneros...:( I like hot...just not nuclear hot. Here are a couple of pics of the plant itself: Not the best pics, but should show what is needed.
  13. B


    I'll post pics later of the plant, but for now, it's very similar in appearance to my serrano. Smaller leaves than a jalapeno, but with "crinkly" leaves. I've been told that it looks like a green scotch bonnet. Same as habanero? In spite of the nuclear heat, these are very flavorful, but a...
  14. B


    Hi folks. Hopefully some of you can help. I have a pepper plant that was tagged as a Fresno chili, but it's not. The one in the pic is about 2-2 1/4" long and is typical of all the peppers on the plant. I regularly eat jalapeno and serrano peppers and enjoy the heat, but these little...