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  1. Jayman

    Telling a Butch T and a Bhut Jolokia Plant Apart

    No quite clearly the top plant is the scorpion Nova. :snooty: :rofl:
  2. Jayman

    Something is is stripping my plants

    Here in Australia we have alot of rabbits because we don't have predators like Wolves, Bears, Eagles and Mountain Loins and Leopards to kill them all. ;)
  3. Jayman

    Something is is stripping my plants

    Yeah we have grasshoppers, and think we get locusts too. I've moved my plants for the time being, in the lower half of my yard. I have 2 metal cages which I've placed over some of my plants. I've spaced the cages out, and placed my other plants in between them. I have a plank sitting on top of...
  4. Jayman

    Something is is stripping my plants

    Here's some pictures of of the leaf curl. ATM I'm alot more concerned about whatever it is eating my plants, I need to try make something to protect them.
  5. Jayman

    Something is is stripping my plants

    Damn I'm starting to hate possums right now. Legally if you trap them your not allowed to take them far, in which case they will just comeback. Was just talking to a scottish woman I work about possums getting into the roof at work and ripping out the insulation. She said to me she had never...
  6. Jayman

    Something is is stripping my plants

    Will talk to my old man about it later he maybe able to help me. Maybe he can help me make some kind of cage to put my plants in. He is a welder so I think all I would need is a nice big strong frame and put chicken wire on it. Mine you I don't have hundreds of plants, got about 10 up the yard...
  7. Jayman

    Something is is stripping my plants

    Hmmm great and I can't just go killing possums like I can with rats.
  8. Jayman

    Something is is stripping my plants

    Late last evening I looked at my plants and they were all fine. Got up this morning and something has stripped all the leaves off 3 of my plants. One of my pots was knocked over so whatever it is, it must be bigger then an insect. :( Orange hab, was finally starting to grow too. Serrano...
  9. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Yeah still early days with my seedlings, still I'm proud of my babies. As for overwintering, I'm yet to cross that bridge, so yeah I would think it is pretty easy. :liar: :scared: Have you considered what your friends might think if you mention the worm jizz (or just jizz) while their...
  10. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    I've been getting some leaf curl too. Two weeks ago it was Humid and 30C, last week it was raining none stop and low 20's. This week we have had some warm, humid weather, and also some cooler nights with temps getting down below 18C. Was hoping to get some pods started on my yellow hab, but all...
  11. Jayman

    Nerd Pron

    My rig AMD 955be overclocked @ 3.6Ghz 8 gig RAM MA770T-UD3P mobo GTX570 2 x 1TB hdd Lian li K62 case Ion2 550w psu 27" asus monitor I built my system back in 09, updated my video card and monitor last year. I was thinking about getting 1050T/1090T cpu but don't think it is worth it. My...
  12. Jayman

    seeds Germinating seeds

    Hiya Megahot, I too am new to germinating seeds, just started my first batch two weeks ago. What I did was place the seeds inbetween two peices of wet papper towel then place it in a plastic zip lock bag. Then put it somewhere warm and wait til the seeds sprout. Most of the seeds took about a...
  13. Jayman

    Megamoo's 2011/2012 Grow Log

    Hey Megamoo, have you ever considered the idea of throwing a Tarp over your shade house if your in for afew days/weeks of rain? Maybe even some clear plastic. I have a really nice garden bed that is full of weeds atm that I plan to use next season. I would have to have some kind of shade...
  14. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Hi Harry, I would expect otherwise because I'm a complete noob at Gardening. Just seemed to me flowers growing upwards would be an advantage for flying insects etc. I also found it isn't great for spilling all over your feet while moving your pots. :eek:
  15. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Sun has decided to make an appearance this afternoon, so I put my plants somewhere, where they will get some sun. Still waiting for this pod to ripen...... getting impatient. Anyone know if yelling at your plants help with this problem? :rofl: Yellow Hab flower, for some reason their facing...
  16. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Megamoo I was wondering if the size of your plants compared to the size of the bucket is an issue? I plan to go from a seedling tray, to a 10cm pot, then a 30cm pot. I can't talk from my own experience but I did read about it Silver Surfer 's grow list/log.
  17. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    I only used half the seeds you gave me. I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket. At first I had my seeds up on top of my shelf, close to the ceiling to get the warmer air. temp was about 25C/77F. But by Tuesday it became clear that the temp had dropped to 20C/68F, which is too low for...
  18. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    I just planted some of my seeds that have germinated using the paper towel and plastic bag trick. I got pretty good results. :dance: 2/3 Bih Jolokia 3/4 Aji Lemon 4/4 TS butch T 2/3 Large yellow 7 pod 1 Asian birdseye (I have more just using to fill the 12 slot trays if needed) Only...
  19. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Yeah it didn't take too much pressure, just sad to lose what could have been my first Chinese. I get over stuff pretty easy, won't lose any sleep over it. ;) I've learnt afew things today, actually I've learnt alot in the last week or two just reading the grow lists, and grow logs. I have to...
  20. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Today I started my very first seeds! :woohoo: Big thanks to Gasificada for supplying me with these seeds. :cool: I got a Coir seed starting brick, which says it is slow release, not sure if I can just use alittle of it, don't see myself wasting the whole brick for 25 seedlings, given I...