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  1. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    Is that anything like Gin&tonic? :rofl: tried that few times My plants have just about recovered from my latest round of over watering. I tried to feed them with seasol, I had no idea how much to use so I watered it down in a 2 litre bottle. Yellow Hab just started to flower! :dance:
  2. Jayman

    Chilli Antidote

    ATM I don't have any chilli that is hot enough to really burn me that bad, but in the past I've used cheese slices and milk. I was buying some hab paste at a shop few weeks back and the guy that served me told be he tried the chillifactories chilli sauces and pastes at the Easter show. He had...
  3. Jayman

    Anyone want to challege this Woman?

    :mouthonfire: :eek: This is something I watched years ago, worth seeing
  4. Jayman

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    Being a diabetic I've decided I need to try keep away from beer. I love scotch, both single malts and some blends are good too. I don't have a collection of spirits, mostly because 1 bottle doesn't last longer then 48 hours. :beer: I have a habit of drinking too fast, if I have a drink in my...
  5. Jayman

    hobbies Gamers here?

    I'm not really up to date with what new games are coming out so I was unaware there was GW2 coming. Thx for the trailer vids they both look awesome. I can't believe no one has made a decent Diablo clone in the last few years as there must be a massive market for it.
  6. Jayman

    hobbies Gamers here?

    I'm a PC gamer, also had the old playstation 1 and 2. Big Gran Turismo fan, Im yet to try GT 5 because I just can't get myself to cough up the money for a new TV and a PS3. Would love to play online on GT5 I was pretty good at GT1 and 2. I built my computer so I saved alot of money on that...
  7. Jayman

    overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

    From what I've heard of Melbourne the temps can drop 15C/60F in like 30 minutes. I had some friends how drove there one year with no warm clothes and froze their bums off once night fell. My brother tells me that in Brisbane the Winter there only lasts like 2 weeks. Mind you their summer is...
  8. Jayman

    My Chilli plants

    My new Zimbabwe Birdseye and the serranos didn't like the heat yesterday. Got the shock of my life when I went to see them at 11am to find one of them lying on its side, and the others not looking so good. :shocked: :( edit: all the plants look alot better today. :) I've now placed my...
  9. Jayman

    Burning my mouth out of thechillifactories turbo superchaged hab paste.

    Burning my mouth out of thechillifactories turbo superchaged hab paste.
  10. Jayman

    Still doesn't want to work lol

    Still doesn't want to work lol
  11. Jayman

    want to see my doll collection

    What is more scary is over 900 people on facebook liked it. :crazy: Best thing about this post is it will bring attention to the police.
  12. Jayman

    Tried send u a PM today but it failed like my orange habs :)

    Tried send u a PM today but it failed like my orange habs :)
  13. Jayman

    My Chilli plants

    I just can't help myself, because I watered my new plants had to give my others some water too...... Got an issue with one of the pots holding too much water too, it has a tray built in and it filled real easy. You could be right about the sunlight they do get shade late in the arvo. I will...
  14. Jayman

    My Chilli plants

    Both of my orange habs are not doing so well, think it is in part over watering. My Redhot seems to be getting its first pod! Also I've added some plants to my collection. Firstly last week I bought a Choc hab which is looking really good. Today I bought a yellow hab which is about to...
  15. Jayman

    Why do you grow chilli peppers?

    Yeah black pots will also make them look skinny too. :rofl: Thx for the tip, will look for white or something, I will give big W a look too. :cool: @ Omri, thats what I was thinking, another lesson learnt lol.
  16. Jayman

    Why do you grow chilli peppers?

    Been in the freezer for quiet awhile.
  17. Jayman

    Why do you grow chilli peppers?

    The top of my yard does nothing but grow lots of grass, it really is a pain to mow. Hopefully I can get enough plants to fix this problem. Mind you I will probably need more like the +300 pots Gas has to fill it. :rofl: Buy your pots from Flower Power and it will be. The first of the...
  18. Jayman

    Australian Chilli restaurants- any suggestions

    Omg my Brother lives in walking distance from that place! Know what I will be doing when I go to visit him next Christmas. :hell: I will probably still drive there though, too lazy to walk. :rofl:
  19. Jayman

    Why do you grow chilli peppers?

    I love to cook and I love to use good ingredients. Here in Australia the supermarkets use whatever is the cheapest method to make and sell fruit and Veg. Example they spray Tomatoes with something to turn them red, so really all you can buy is Tomatoes that are under ripe. Theres only one shop...
  20. Jayman

    My Chilli plants

    I'm really enjoying these forums, there's so much to read and learn. After looking at what the members of this forum are growing I'm more motivated than ever to grow more different chillies. I've started to learn about growing from seed for next years crop, and dreaming about what I will try...