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  1. H

    Is this bird bites?

    Thanks everyone I will work on it today. Before they get anymore.
  2. H

    Is this bird bites?

    I have added CD's with washers on the strings to make noise etc. I will check on the netting I think they are landing on the ground because the plants are short.
  3. H

    Is this bird bites?

    So I have had like 4 peppers that this has happen too. I am wonder what does everyone do for birds.    
  4. H

    7 pod has a bunch of brown marks

    This picture is from like 2 weeks ago now I have like 10-12 pods all with this some worse than others thought it was sun burn but not so sure now.      
  5. H

    What is happening to my pepper plants

    Thanks guys put a lot of work in like I am sure every one else has and it was scaring me
  6. H

    What is happening to my pepper plants

    So know one has seen a pod look like this.
  7. H

    What is happening to my pepper plants

    Yeah it looks like something took a bite out of the pod in the first one kind of hard to get a clear shot of it almost like a small bite then it dried out around it. any clue as to what it could be I don't see anything in the garden. The sunburn on the 7 pods could be right last week we had some...
  8. H

    What is happening to my pepper plants

    The only thing I have done lately is cut back on watering which made them start to grow much better and added some Fish fert which only using like once every few weeks the first pod is the second on that plant that looks like that. It just happen over night I did not notice it last night at all...
  9. H

    Transplanted a reaper plant still wilting after 20 hrs . Is this bad?

        Thanks for the advise today it is 95 degrees and just hot and humid the plant is wilted again along with my 7 pods and moruga's they where all transplanted at the same time the reaper seems to be taken it the hardest.
  10. H

    Transplanted a reaper plant still wilting after 20 hrs . Is this bad?

    Last night I added some fissh fert to the plant and by dark it was perking up
  11. H

    Transplanted a reaper plant still wilting after 20 hrs . Is this bad?

    I watered the base lastnight once they where planted and then again early this morning. The soil under the top layer is wet. The 7 pod and the Trinadad Moruga Scorpions I planted aren't near as wilted. I guess because I am such a noob to this I am scared. LOL         They will remain in shade...
  12. H

    Transplanted a reaper plant still wilting after 20 hrs . Is this bad?

    Ok So I bought a Reaper plant from a local grower the plant had 1 pod on it already. But after transplant yesturday I notced today that it is wilting. How long will it take for it to perk up I had to shade it today because it is like 90 degrees outside.   Uploaded with     Just...
  13. H

    Total Noob Pepper plant questions

        Thanks heading there now.
  14. H

    Total Noob Pepper plant questions

    The Mix is manure and some composte that was in the garden from last year. Which did great last year for alot of veggies. They get about 10 hrs of sun a day total. THe weather here in North Dakota has been hot the last few weeks around 80 everyday. When you guys say feed them what would you...
  15. H

    Total Noob Pepper plant questions

    Ok I am totally new to growing peppers and have no real clue as to what I am doing besides reading alot of stuff. I have a garden that I have misc peppers in I have some Scorpion Butch t's some Habaneros some Ghost peppers Some of which are growing but very slow the start of germination for the...