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  1. C

    What Are These?

    Thank you to all! The ones in the picture are now hanging up underneath my patio cover. I am going to leave the ones still on the plant to ripen before drying them. -= Mark =-
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    What Are These?

    Like the subject asks -- What have I grown here? They are not hot. Many thanks, -= Mark =-
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    Growing Aji Dulce

    BadKat I am in Southern California. I purchased some Aji Dulce seeds from eBay seller: sol4u back in November. For me, they germinated in late March at really close to 100%. My inexperience and impatience allowed me to put them outside in my cold-frame, methinks now, a little too early...
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    seeds Growing from seed

    Thanks to all that replied. Your encouragement has calmed my fears. Worlok: Thank you for the pics. My sprouts look very much like the ones in your first photo. Hopefully they will grow to look like the plants in the third picture. Novacastrian: I failed to mention that the seeds that have...
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    seeds Growing from seed

    My first try at growing from seed. After a few days I am seeing life. Hurray, right? Well, I do not know. Why? My seedlings look like Alfalfa spouts. They are very spindly and leggy. I started the seeds in egg carton cups in a glass baking dish, covered by plastic wrap. The room is...
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    my cheap diy led light box

  7. C

    my cheap diy led light box

    Dave, Are those lights actually LEDs or, are they the mini incandescents? For that matter, anyone care to comment on whether mini incandescents would work for this purpose?