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  1. 3rrorist

    3rrorist -- 2014 Indoor/Outdoor Glog

    Everything is out of the grow room!   I gave a friend one of the large ghost pepper plants. One will definitely be enough since the plant is so big.   I have two gardens this year, totaling 3000 square feet. I planted 750 corn seeds over the weekend. I plan to plant my other stuff over the next...
  2. 3rrorist

    3rrorist -- 2014 Indoor/Outdoor Glog

    Well I've come a long way since I joined these forums. May 2013 was my first year gardening. Fall 2013 I built a grow room. I'm tired of trying to take care of these plants in a confined space. I can't wait until it's warm enough to put them outdoors!              
  3. 3rrorist

    Habanero or Bhut Jolokia?

      Looks like bhut jolokia to me!
  4. 3rrorist


    In November I put 1 ton of horse manure onto my garden plot and tilled it in. Do you guys consider that safe?
  5. 3rrorist

    How do you support your tomato plants?

    I will be planting a lot of tomato plants this year. In past years when I've only had a few plants, I've used tomato cages. Those are too expensive to use for the amount I plan on planting this year. I've seen and read online about people "staking" the tomatoes, but I haven't found any good...
  6. 3rrorist

    1 Day Germination

    I wasn't expecting this good of a germination rate either. I put 2 seeds in each Rapid Rooter. I might try to take tweezers and take one of the seeds out and replant it. 
  7. 3rrorist

    1 Day Germination

    Equipment: 2x Rapid Rooter Tray + Plugs 2x Heat Mat 2x Humidity Dome Heat Mat Thermostat   I double planted 100 Rapid Rooter plugs on 3/3/2014 (6:00 pm) when my seeds came in the mail from Seed Savers and Park Seed. On 3/4/2014, I went to look at the trays when I got home from work (5:30 pm) and...
  8. 3rrorist

    3rrorist's indoor grow

    The jalapeno plant is the only one producing right now. The others have flowers on them, but they all fall off. Megahot suggested I hand pollinate on the plants that aren't producing, so I'm going to try that. 
  9. 3rrorist

    3rrorist's indoor grow

  10. 3rrorist

    Mega's 13-14 Indoor/Outdoor & Jigsaw Grow

    No, I haven't been. I guess it's worth a shot. My jalapeno and banana pepper plants have been producing on their own so I didn't think it was necessary. 
  11. 3rrorist

    Mega's 13-14 Indoor/Outdoor & Jigsaw Grow

    You're plants are looking nice. Those are some great pods. I still have zero superhot pods. All the flowers fall off.
  12. 3rrorist

    3rrorist's indoor grow

      Recently transferred 20 seedlings from dixie cups to 1 gallon containers.   I use the following mix: 1 part fox farm ocean forest 1 part coco .5 part vermiculite   I would have used just the fox farm by itself, but I couldn't find it locally and had to buy it online. It was expensive, so I...
  13. 3rrorist

    Green bumps on bottom of leaves

    Thanks for the help guys!
  14. 3rrorist

    lighting Lights too close or over watering?

    This is what I came up with. Hopefully it isn't too far from the light now. In a couple weeks I will be putting up drywall in the room and stapling mylar to all wall surfaces. That may help with getting enough light to the plant in the new location.    
  15. 3rrorist

    Green bumps on bottom of leaves

    Hello everyone,   I've had a lot of questions lately, but I've been neglecting my grow room and keep discovering more problems. I have these green spots/bumps/specks on the bottom of the leaves on my banana pepper plant. About 2 months ago I cut this plant back probably half in height and only...
  16. 3rrorist

    lighting Lights too close or over watering?

    Thanks for the advice. I raised the light up as far as it would go, but it still wasn't far enough from my tallest plant. I took the tallest plant off and put it on top of an upside down 5 gallon bucket on the floor.
  17. 3rrorist

    lighting Lights too close or over watering?

    This plant has been under a 600w light. When I initially noticed this problem it wasn't so bad, but now it's on a lot of the top leaves of the plant. I rotate a few big plants around under this light so that they are not always getting the same amount of light. The problem has gotten worse since...
  18. 3rrorist

    Flowers falling off

    Well I'm currently using General Hydroponics MaxiBloom already. 
  19. 3rrorist

    Flowers falling off

    Do you know of a specific fertilizer that you suggest that contains those?