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  1. 3rrorist

    Mega's 13-14 Indoor/Outdoor & Jigsaw Grow

    Nice pictures! These plants look great. 
  2. 3rrorist

    3rrorist's first grow log

    Thanks for the emergency blanket tip! That will definitely be cheaper than the mylar on a roll options I looked into.
  3. 3rrorist

    3rrorist's first grow log

    FYI -- None of these seeds/seedlings survived. I got busy during the end of summer and didn't take care of these plants and everything died. Most things in my regular garden succumbed to various fungi. I only have two banana pepper plants that survived and I moved them inside yesterday.      I...
  4. 3rrorist

    3rrorist's first grow log

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and this is my first grow log.   This is my first year gardening in general and I have an awesome garden going right now, but this topic will focus on hot pepper seeds that were given to be by user megahot (thanks again!).   I am aware that it is too late in the...
  5. 3rrorist

    Speaking of Bell Peppers...

    I can't answer your question, but I wanted to comment on your plant. It looks flawless. My garden looks amazing, but my bell pepper plants look incredibly bad compared to everything else. Good job.
  6. 3rrorist

    Lurking for a few months, decided to register

    Yes, but it's just used for barbecuing.
  7. 3rrorist

    Lurking for a few months, decided to register

    Hello everyone,   This is my first year gardening and I've gotten a little addicted to it. I planted too much and too close together it seems.    I don't know if you guys are interested in seeing pictures that aren't of peppers, but I have taken some new pictures of my garden today and put them...
  8. 3rrorist

    lighting Grow lights for indoor pepper growing

    Thanks for the advice on the lights. If I can grow two plants with that light I linked to, I might just start with 2 plants and go from here.
  9. 3rrorist

    lighting Grow lights for indoor pepper growing

    Hello,   I've been lurking on this site for a few months, but just decided to register today. It is my first year gardening outdoors and I planted a variety of pepper plants, but the hottest thing I've planted is cayenne. It's too late in the season to start anything new outdoors, and I'm...