lighting Grow lights for indoor pepper growing

I've been lurking on this site for a few months, but just decided to register today. It is my first year gardening outdoors and I planted a variety of pepper plants, but the hottest thing I've planted is cayenne. It's too late in the season to start anything new outdoors, and I'm interested in starting something hot indoors. I might be interested in habaneros to start. I found this light system in a thread on here somewhere:
I was wondering how many plants could I grow indoors with this one light. The pictures on amazon users have uploaded look like they are just using the light to start their plants indoors. It doesn't really show them using it for bigger plants. Ideally, I'd like to have 2-3 plants I start indoors. I was hoping that this light would be sufficient for that amount of plants.
I appreciate any help.
With that light it would be difficult to grow any more then two plants. If you want to grow more Id go with something like a 4ft T5 or a 400 watt hid/hps light.

Pm me if you want hab seeds. Just send me a sase and I will send you other seeds as well
Thanks for the advice on the lights. If I can grow two plants with that light I linked to, I might just start with 2 plants and go from here.
You should actually be able to get a decent sized Habanero seedlings at most garden centers this time of year. I think TheGhostPepperStore, a forum member out of St Louis also sells plants to forum members. I might be wrong.
These are my plants under a 600 watt HID.
It gets very crowded fast.