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  1. P

    pod No seeds and unexpected pod

    I am just getting my first ripe pods from my first year growing peppers and on one plant in particular which was grown from seeds that were supposed to be a Peach Fatalii I have noticed some odd things. The first pod to ripen ended up being much smaller than I expected it to be and a lot more...
  2. P

    issue Is this scale?

    Thanks for that, it would seem to be Edema then. The Pepper Geek link was very helpful and it is the only one i have seen that discussed crystal deposits.
  3. P

    issue Is this scale?

    I took a look with the magnifying glass but it did not really help me much. It is almost like a hard mineral deposit as it is hard and rough to the touch if I scrape at it with a toothpick but does not come off and equally if I rub it with a wet cotton bud it feels hard but does not seem to...
  4. P

    Hi from sunny Scotland

    It’s double figures out, prime bbq season.
  5. P

    Hi from sunny Scotland

  6. P

    issue Is this scale?

    Is this scale? On the underside of most of my pepper plants I have these white deposits that look too small to be scale and it seems to affect my Fatalii and Nai Miris the most and my 7pot doesn’t seem to have any. There is no sign of whitefly or aphids and the tops of the leaves look completely...
  7. P

    Hi from sunny Scotland

    Hi All, have been eating spicy foods for a long time now and this is the first year i have started to grow my own peppers. Came on here for advice and tips to get the best from my plants. Scotland is not the most optimal place to grow peppers which makes me glad to have a conservatory to be able...