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  1. Dunk

    Dunk from Oklahoma (reintroducing myself)

    Malarky,   Thanks for the support. :P   Mostly your standard peppers with a variety of the unusual ones like lemon-drops or other's that I buy off burpee's website. So far it's a mix of 7 different peppers. It's a bit thicker than most hot sauces, with the smaller dripper for a slower dispense...
  2. Dunk

    Dunk from Oklahoma (reintroducing myself)

    Howdy folks,   It's been about 9 years since I've visited this site, and I just recently saw an e-mail from THP that made me want to revisit and I'm glad that I did. I'm currently still enlisted with the USAF (going on 11 years), 32 years old, and live in Moore, OK. I'm originally from San...
  3. Dunk

    media Bhut seeds and peat pot warning...

    They did come from Florida... that may be why...
  4. Dunk

    Newbie from OKC

    Welcome fellow OKC resident!
  5. Dunk

    media Bhut seeds and peat pot warning...

    So I bought some Bhut seeds off the internet a few weeks back. Along with them came a note saying "DO NOT USE PEAT POTS!". My naturally defiant self decided to go against the warning and use them anyways. Out of the 12 seeds all 12 have sprouted and are doing wonderfully. Can anyone tell me why...
  6. Dunk

    Texan shouting out from OKC!

    Eh... I'm not one for that kinda stuff... I actually work with the army with TIC, CAS, and stuff like that. We help to keep you guys going just like you help us do our job. ;)
  7. Dunk

    Texan shouting out from OKC!

    Thx from everyone again!
  8. Dunk

    Texan shouting out from OKC!

    Sure am... Where you stationed out of? Pensacola? Hurlburt Field?
  9. Dunk

    Texan shouting out from OKC!

    Thanks everybody!
  10. Dunk

    Texan shouting out from OKC!

    Thx! I've already checked out your latest growing season thread... I'm truly jealous and amazed. Oh i'm counting the days til I get me a green house and yard... Right now I have to make due with a sidewalk outside my door and a few planters... Kudos to you!
  11. Dunk

    Texan shouting out from OKC!

    Hiya folks! Just found this site, and i'm quite excited about what information i'll find here. I'm originally from Texas, and I love spicy foods! I'm slowly beginning my chili pepper growing again since I joined the Air Force. It's a bit more difficult at the moment, but i'm sure i'll get there...