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  1. H

    Worm Farm / Worm Tea / Show us yours.

    I'm a bit lost... What's with the molasses and the air pump? I use the worm farm run-off straight on the plants and i believe that I see good results. I Mix the worms castings with my most poor quality dirt in the garden to help it become good. Photos soon ok! My farm is a commercially made...
  2. H

    More Leaf Curl

    Thanks everyone, All info is GOOD!!! I do remember seeing some little white moth looking things, but they flew away and I didn't really think about them again until I went to Google images and looked up whitefly. That's what I've had. I'm 99% sure now. So what's the best plan of attack? So far...
  3. H

    More Leaf Curl

    I'm in Sydney, Australia. Do we get broad mites? I'm also using a chilli specific fertiliser "Chilli Focus" that should take care of the calcium should it not? Cheers
  4. H

    More Leaf Curl

    Hi All, Just found this forum and so this is my first post. Please help me work out what is going on here in these photos and what to do about it. This leaf curl appeared a couple of weeks ago. Here is the first plant... and here is the second plant... any help is muchly appreciated!!! Thanks