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  1. ToTo088

    My First Pepper Opened!

      I got it from a page called Mercado Libre, which is like Ebay for latin america, yeah, i took a huge risk thats what i was uncertain about the pepper being legit or not
  2. ToTo088

    My First Pepper Opened!

      i will keep it in mind, specially if im gonna keep trying to munch those little buggers until i actually dare to eat a whole one xD And also, I actually keep close track of Ted Barrus's videos, he was actually the one who inspired me to look more into the world of hot peppers, but when it...
  3. ToTo088

    My First Pepper Opened!

        Actually a friend of mine just came to my house and we recorded another video, we took a tiny bit of the pepper, chewed for some seconds and swallowed....THAAAAAAANKFULLY this time we were prepared, we had some ice cream ready, but even with that it was 10 minutes of having a intense burn...
  4. ToTo088

    My First Pepper Opened!

    you dont need to understand what im saying to know that pepper utterly kicked my ass xD     Well actually not really but in a way i would be interested in growing other super hots xD
  5. ToTo088

    My First Pepper Opened!

    oh well for all you sadistic out there, hope you like it, although its only in spanish but well, the reactions are universal xD
  6. ToTo088

    My First Pepper Opened!

      i just licked the thing and it was enough to blow up my senses, actually, as a little update i just returned from my martial arts training, and i took one of those half pieces with me, and a friend of mine wanted to try it, he ate half of the piece i took with me, although he first ate a...
  7. ToTo088

    My First Pepper Opened!

    Judging by the inside, im still not sure if its a legitimate Trinidad Moruga, but i can certainly say that the burn was something i've never experimented before
  8. ToTo088

    My First Pepper Opened!

    Well, after some days of letting it to ripen, i finally decided to cut the pepper off and slice it open..............and even though i cant tolerate too much the spicy stuff, i decided to lick the pepper and.......holy balls that was intense, i felt just a freaking shock of pain increasing in my...
  9. ToTo088

    My First Pepper!

    Well, after several months of growing the plant, and about a month (or maybe more) of waiting for the pepper to ripen, here it is!   Well im still not 100% sure if its a true Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, but judging by the form and color it might well be, although this one came out a bit small in...
  10. ToTo088

    Look who decided to come out today

    Thanks a bunch =D another flower just bloomed, and, i had the curiosity of smelling it and....holy crap that flower packs a very soft and pleasant smell i have to say, too bad that the pepper coming out of it wont be as pleasant as the flower scent xD   Yes, i live in the State of Nayarit, which...
  11. ToTo088

    Look who decided to come out today

    A picture i just took yesterday at night and today just a couple of minutes ago, its just matter of time now ^^     and this little baby decided to show up today ^^  
  12. ToTo088

    Flowers finally coming?

    My little Trinidad Moruga Scorpion plant, Groot (yes, i named my plant Groot xD....well actually a friend of mine called it like it and i couldnt resist to keep that name) Looks like after several abortions and overcoming that awful problem it had, its finally going to start producing pods! i...
  13. ToTo088

    I dont think this is right

    Im not using any fertilizer, just the substrate i was given and nothing else, some black spots also appeared on the back of some of the leaves   Here you can see 2 more pictures
  14. ToTo088

    I dont think this is right

    Hello again guys, heres a little update of my Trinidad Moruga plant   First of all, the first blossoms fell off already, i heard the first blossoms are pretty much always aborted by the plant so in a way i dont worry "that much" i'll wait for the next batch and see what happens   What is really...
  15. ToTo088

    My first Trinindad Moruga Scorpion Plant

    thank you guys =D
  16. ToTo088

    My first Trinindad Moruga Scorpion Plant

    Hi everyone im new in this forum and, i wanted to share a bit of a plant i have been growing the last months     In the video i pretty much explain everything i can about the plant and what is going on, i am aware...