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  1. Sawyer

    PaulG 2019

  2. Sawyer

    Sawyer 2019

    Just planted 100 tepin seeds, all in one wide, shallow pot. Wanted to plant another four whole flats of 3.5" square pots today, but tax prep stuff got in the way. Since I swore to the pepper gods I would plant some peppers today, I figured I'd better do so and the tepins were ready to go...
  3. Sawyer

    Sawyer 2019

    Thanks, Paul. Why do you say that? Many of the little ones are showing their first true leaves. I started removing the humidity domes today. (A little at a time, to avoid loss of stem and leaf turgidity and collapse due to a sudden drop in humidity.) And moving the flats to the lower shelf...
  4. Sawyer

    Wiri's 2019 Adventures with "Wilds" & Others Glog

    Sorry to hear that. As you say, at least you didn't lose them all. Maybe some you labeled WP will go ahead and germinate now if you keep them watered?
  5. Sawyer

    Orekoc's 2019 grow

    You've got a heck of a grow started even if nothing else germinates. But hopefully they all join the show. These are the results from the seeds you sent to me: Chocolate Moruga Brain 4/7 Butch T Reaper Scorpion 2/6 Brazilian Moruga 6/6 Mustard Moruga Brain 4/6 Carolina Reaper 3/6 Trinidad...
  6. Sawyer

    Sawyer 2019

    Well, nature will probably take some of them. I'm trying to work out a deal with some local farmers to grow some. Hopefully will find homes for more here and there. I can find room for a few hundred here on my own place, if I can beat back the bamboo.
  7. Sawyer

    2019 season

    Yeah, some things there's just no coming back from. Btw, did you have any luck with those red ghost and Sulu Adana seeds you got from me last year? I think you were going to save them for this year.
  8. Sawyer

    2019 - The Farm

    Wow. ↑ What he said.↑
  9. Sawyer

    2019 season

    I hope that's not your house with the collapsed roof. Sucks for whomever. How did the gibberellic acid-soaked seeds turn out? I have some of that here somewhere and some seeds that haven't responded to anything else.
  10. Sawyer

    HillBilly Jeff's 2019 Glog

    It is a bit of a pain, be I use for image hosting. I don't even have an account there and images I posted way back in my 2013 glog are still there. (Now that I've mentioned it, watch 'em all go away tomorrow.) I need to get tomatoes going, too. Wish I had some purple calabash...
  11. Sawyer

    Sawyer 2019

    Started planting late, back on 3/19-3/21. More will likely pop, but here's what's up and going as of today: ISS OS Red BJ 242/350 → 69% ISS OS Red BJ (treated) 74/100 → 74% SS BBM 222/375 → 59% Primo 7/14 → 50% BMM 12/13 → 92% CR 9/14 → 64% OS Red 7Pod 2/50 → 4% OS Yellow 7Pod 25/30 →...
  12. Sawyer

    Lime juice concentrate vs real limes

    That could really save on reduction times. Might pay for added ingredient cost with reduced processing time and facilities rental.
  13. Sawyer

    Lime juice concentrate vs real limes

    I've used Nielsen's to good effect: They do a cold vacuum reduction followed by quickly freezing the concentrate. Which means it has to ship overnight and that gets expensive. But what you get is, in fact, 100% pure lime (or lemon as the case may...
  14. Sawyer

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    I'm up to about 50 (of 75 F7W) germinated today. I won't post a picture yet, not this close to Paul's gorgeous ladies. I'll wait until they at least have the first set of true leaves. Still, they're right next to an approximately equal number of P.Dreadie sown at the same time. They hardly...
  15. Sawyer

    P. Dreadie Memorial Group Grow 2016

    Just counted 40 sprouts out of 75 seeds planted. Turning cold here again tonight, so I expect a slow down on germination. These are isolated seeds from my original plant.
  16. Sawyer

    HillBilly Jeff's 2019 Glog

    How are your month old babies looking? We need pics. So far this year, all my peppers are being started in 3.5" pots. And, I might sow as many as 25 seeds per pot. They're easy enough to separate later on and it increases the chance of getting at least something in every pot. I've never...
  17. Sawyer

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

      I can live with 23 if that's all I get, but I expect more. These are at the end of a flat, so get less of needed heat. We've had some warmer weather for a couple of days; that should give them a little kick. Agreed, I'm sure we can work something out. I think it'll be at least a couple of...
  18. Sawyer

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Did I send you enough seeds for that? I don't remember how many I put in the box. I can send plants later on; they're pretty tiny at the moment.
  19. Sawyer

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Planted 3/21, 23 of 75 F7W have sprouted as of today. I haven't been able to maintain optimum temperature, but at least some are coming up. I'm looking for local growers and locations to grow multiple plants together in isolation. Have a few leads.
  20. Sawyer

    BDASPNY’s 2019 GLOG

    Looking good. Glad to see those seeds are coming up for you.