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  1. cruzzfish

    One of the soil mixtures I do with my hot peppers

    So that's what you use. I'm transferring my seedlings out of the rockwool soon, so this is incredibly helpful. Thank you.
  2. cruzzfish

    wanted WTB Mild Pepper Plants

    I have seeds from some fairly mild plants but I dunno if you want those.
  3. cruzzfish

    Yeah. Their germination rate was four times higher so far.

    Yeah. Their germination rate was four times higher so far.
  4. cruzzfish

    I planted five of my new pepper seeds expecting a high germination rate, and ten of my really...

    I planted five of my new pepper seeds expecting a high germination rate, and ten of my really old ones expecting a lower rate. Guess which one came up more?
  5. cruzzfish

    Does my plant look ok?

    Pics if you want help.
  6. cruzzfish

    Jaltomata procumbens cuttings are done.

    Jaltomata procumbens cuttings are done.
  7. cruzzfish

    Vacuum cleaners work on spider mites as long as you keep the leaves from tearing. Unfortunately...

    Vacuum cleaners work on spider mites as long as you keep the leaves from tearing. Unfortunately my test subject was made of knives and now my hands hurt.
  8. cruzzfish

    Hello from CT

    Welcome to THP!   Although of all the places in the US, why did you pick New Haven?
  9. cruzzfish

    What's the minimum temperature peppers can take?

    What's the minimum temperature peppers can take?
  10. cruzzfish

    Need some help with nightshades.

    Solanum quitoense and Solanum pyracanthum just flat out stopped doing much. Pyracanthum has been growing smaller, notably less prickly leaves for the last month before it stopped. They don't seem to be starved of water or nutrients, but I figure I should ask you guys before I change anything...
  11. cruzzfish

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    Yeah, it was definitely a too much water issue and not a fertilizer one. Pictured: Fucked roots. Plant almost completely wilted but it's a pepper so it might recover. Roots cut until no more black was visible, then dunked in peroxide, then rinsed thoroughly.   
  12. cruzzfish

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    The sulfur was put on this plant only to deter spider mites from walking. It was added after it started wilting though and none got in the reservoir.
  13. cruzzfish

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    Nope. This one is handmade for larger plants. The bok choy it's growing might clog the pipes, but this particular pepper has the roots in the same chamber as the fog generator so it can't physically clog it.
  14. cruzzfish

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    It looks like when I set the timer high water condensed on the roots and got rid of most of the ultra fine root hairs. This probably caused the plant to not get enough water until it grows everything back. I'll update in a week or so.     I missed the question when you posted it. I'm winging it...
  15. cruzzfish

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    I seem to have found it. Most of the roots are brown as opposed to their healthy white color. It is growing white roots again and it hasn't shed any peppers, so the plant seems to think it can survive at any rate. The other pepper in with it is doing fine.
  16. cruzzfish

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    Temp has been fairly constant, roots are in water but this has also been constant for several months without incident. I did water it with 2.5 gallons colder water rather than 1 though, so that might have been it.
  17. cruzzfish

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    Yes. It's been down for three days and condition is still worse.
  18. cruzzfish

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    Aeroponics pepper that I solved the problem on was doing well and full of peppers, then I adjusted the timer to more mist and it started wilting a few days later. I don't think the roots are rotten since most of them are still white to light brown so I'm not sure. Any chance of recovery, or...
  19. cruzzfish

    Happy Burfday Nigel

    Happy birthday.
  20. cruzzfish


    Starting research work at CCSU on J. procumbens tomorrow. These things have great flowers so I'll have to grow my own if I get the opportunity.