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  1. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    Some old pics from back in the thread. The Bubblegum 7 was a beautiful plant to grow.
  2. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    If you close your eyes and eat an Absinth you would think your eating a Brandywine with some tart.
  3. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    Marianas Conflict is another keep and they are huge! Taste is wonderful. Some cracking and I have seeds for these too. Wish I had some pepper porn for yall but all my pictures are held captive on my other phone. I have a bunch of pics on this thread if they are still up.
  4. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    I've got some saved seed if anyone is interested in a trade or whatever.
  5. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    Ohh I forgot to metion the Absinth Tomato. What a monster. It won't hardly crack taste awesome and ripens the prettiest green you'll ever see. Ohh I forgot to metion the Absinth Tomato. What a monster. It won't hardly crack taste awesome and ripens the prettiest green you'll ever see.
  6. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    Cherokee Purple (my fav) Brandywine Sudduth Strain Money Maker Black Cherry Arkansas Traveler There are more just can't think of them. I'm going to put a full list of everything when I get a chance. What's your favorite?
  7. JoeFish

    I've been lurking here for months. Now I've finally decided to sign up for an account and introduce

    Welcome and post pics we love them! Good luck brother.
  8. JoeFish

    Crappie Jigs

    Beautiful jigs those are one of my obsessions.. I buy them though I want to build at some point.
  9. JoeFish

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    I'm in sign me up. Good luck your going to need it.
  10. JoeFish

    Grass to growbed. What should be done?

    Newspaper on roll from local newspaper and compost from the city. This is what I did...
  11. JoeFish

    This is my glog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

    Thought this was BeerBreaths glog at first... his title was the same. Looking good in there buddy!
  12. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    I probably shouldn't question Baker Creek they seem really appreciate seed. We will see I guess. I love wasps but not the vine kind that kill my squash... Yeah that would be a ComposTumbler and it's awesome just not big enough and you really need 2 of them to keep it going all the time.
  13. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on the scotch bonnets?
  14. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

  15. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    Cool just cool! Tobacco was cool to grow. MAN I CANNOT WAIT! HOLLER IF YOU HEAR ME...
  16. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    Can anyone tell me if these are true Scotch Bonnets? I thought Baker Creek were good about selling true seed but I'm having doubts and I've started 60 plants....
  17. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    My new hoes... a 5" stirrup and a colinear Don't know if any of you know who Jean Martin Fortier is but this is me with him at a farmers workshop. JANG JP1 push seeder... wanted this thing for a hot minute Composted tons of beautiful tomatoes due to stinkbug damage. Made me crazy!
  18. JoeFish

    video PexPeppers Gardening Tutorial Videos.

    Keep them coming brother!
  19. JoeFish

    2016 - JoeFish Arkansas Grown

    Probably grow out 100 plants Sawyer and give or sell the rest...
  20. JoeFish

    Sawyer '16 - Memorial Day update

    Sawyer grows man... he isn't playing around! Good luck my friend