Marianas Conflict is another keep and they are huge! Taste is wonderful. Some cracking and I have seeds for these too.
Wish I had some pepper porn for yall but all my pictures are held captive on my other phone. I have a bunch of pics on this thread if they are still up.
Ohh I forgot to metion the Absinth Tomato. What a monster. It won't hardly crack taste awesome and ripens the prettiest green you'll ever see.
Ohh I forgot to metion the Absinth Tomato. What a monster. It won't hardly crack taste awesome and ripens the prettiest green you'll ever see.
Cherokee Purple (my fav)
Brandywine Sudduth Strain
Money Maker
Black Cherry
Arkansas Traveler
There are more just can't think of them. I'm going to put a full list of everything when I get a chance.
What's your favorite?
I probably shouldn't question Baker Creek they seem really appreciate seed. We will see I guess.
I love wasps but not the vine kind that kill my squash...
Yeah that would be a ComposTumbler and it's awesome just not big enough and you really need 2 of them to keep it going all the time.
Can anyone tell me if these are true Scotch Bonnets? I thought Baker Creek were good about selling true seed but I'm having doubts and I've started 60 plants....
My new hoes... a 5" stirrup and a colinear
Don't know if any of you know who Jean Martin Fortier is but this is me with him at a farmers workshop.
JANG JP1 push seeder... wanted this thing for a hot minute
Composted tons of beautiful tomatoes due to stinkbug damage. Made me crazy!