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  1. Helvete

    Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow

    Ok so here's a video and a few photos from my grow right now.         this is the Yucatan White Habanero, it's a third year plant and it's become more of a bonchi, it's probably going to be blooming in the next week hardcore         this handsome fella is a 7 Pot Primo X Bhut Jolokia Yellow. ...
  2. Helvete

    seeds experience germing fatali/bhut?

    Sometimes I try fancy methods but more often than not I plant directly into soil and don't let them dry out without swamping them.  Fatalii is one of my favorite strains and I have a third year plant in my room right now.  Bhuts seem to be trickier to start from seed, I think the temperature...
  3. Helvete

    I'm normally going bonkers about seeds this time of year...but now I've got a herd of veteran...

    I'm normally going bonkers about seeds this time of year...but now I've got a herd of veteran plants to take care of this year.
  4. Helvete

    Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow

    Hey everyone   I haven't been online much in the last 6 months.  I moved from Virginia to Alaska last year and have been working on getting myself settled here.       If you don't know might be thinking it's a little crazy trying to grow tropical plants in a subarctic climate...but I've...
  5. Helvete

    water hemlock and Northern monkshood grow wild here, I already have two species of Mandragora in...

    water hemlock and Northern monkshood grow wild here, I already have two species of Mandragora in my grow and henbane (H. niger) is a permanent in my grow. Some of the others include Datura stramonium, Datura inoxia, Datura fastuosa, Atropa belladonna, Mandragora oficinarum, Mandragora...
  6. Helvete

    Going to have a sizable toxic garden this year. Adding belladonna and a third species of datura...

    Going to have a sizable toxic garden this year. Adding belladonna and a third species of datura to the mix
  7. Helvete

    Powerball 800mil. What would you do if you won?

    I'm the type that no one would suspect was loaded.  I'd still drive old beater trucks and live in a small house but in the meantime anonymously owning businesses to push my lottery winnings to over $1 billion.  $800 million just isn't enough ;) (or more like $400 million after the government...
  8. Helvete

    Help me Round off my growlist

    white bullet habs   thank me later ;)
  9. Helvete

    RIP Lemmy

    RIP Lemmy
  10. Helvete

    They always have better costumes

    They always have better costumes
  11. Helvete

    Funny that the weather app on my phone shows grass, I haven't seen grass since October

    Funny that the weather app on my phone shows grass, I haven't seen grass since October
  12. Helvete

    Whats your favorite band to listen to that's not your generation?

    Too many, but I'd go with Mercyful Fate
  13. Helvete

    CGN 21500 X 7 Pot Barrackpore

    Looking forward to more people growing out this great cross next season!
  14. Helvete

    music any metal heads on thp?

    from Singapore
  15. Helvete

    seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

    in some rural areas of the country dial up is still more reliable than some other ISPs.  Although satellite is coming up to par, the problem with it is data caps.  "Modern" dial up is more efficient with data plans believe it or not.
  16. Helvete

    it was human-created AI that originally used solar power but in the final war the humans...

    it was human-created AI that originally used solar power but in the final war the humans scorched the sky so the machines had to seek an alternate source of energy. And they were feeding the humans in the matrix liquefied dead humans. Not that any of this matters. Except that solar energy is...
  17. Helvete

    in Alaska it's not waste heat if you're blowing it into the cab through the defrost vent ;)

    in Alaska it's not waste heat if you're blowing it into the cab through the defrost vent ;)
  18. Helvete

    seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

    Hope everyone enjoys the ride!   :mouthonfire:
  19. Helvete

    lol when I first moved here people could tell I wasn't a local because I was tan

    lol when I first moved here people could tell I wasn't a local because I was tan