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  1. moosery

    Wilting + light green leaves

    Have you had a look at the roots? You say you haven't transplanted yet? Could it be majorly root bound?
  2. moosery

    Where do fungus gnats come from??

    all soil cheap or otherwise can have fungus gnats in it. Supposedly you can sterilise it, but to be honest I find the solution far simpler. Just keep them at bay with  a) watering from the bottom and b) get some carnivorous plants (NOT venus fly trap) and/or c) some yellow sticky cards.   IF you...
  3. moosery

    A UK Grow log focusing on Ajis and milder Habs

    Greetings from Birmingham - hehe.  We have few similar varieties going on actually, and I also use Nicky's Nursery.. I'm quite excited about my aji lemon plants, so it's good to see yours did well with the UK climate last year! :) Do you find the LED GU10 spots work well? I wasn't sure they...
  4. moosery

    Does this look like mold? And what do I do?

    I've got the white fuzzies on some of mine too, I poked at it with a stick until it went away, seedlings seem far. I think in my case it's usually the empty seed pod going fuzzy, which is because I let the soil get too wet...shame on me...
  5. moosery

    pests Aphid solution!!

      hmph - way more expensive here in the UK, at $27ish for 25 ladybugs, now you understand why I bribe any wild ones with cheerios! 
  6. moosery

    health Help! Something wrong with my plants.

    it looks a lot like what happened when I accidentally spilled a few flecks of dishwasher powder on a houseplant once, no chance of any tiny splashes of chemical, laundry soap, washing liquid, being involved here at all? 
  7. moosery

    greenhouse placing some peppers in greenhouse

    I'm close to you in the UK, I think we have similar climate :)   I've been putting my peppers out in the greenhouse in the day but bringing them back in at night, but I am testing leaving one or two in there overnight and so far they seem OK. Temps have gone down to about 3C here last week but...
  8. moosery

    moosery's glog

    Yeah I'm starting one...   No Idea where to start, so much pressure, so, mightaswell start with a funny photo, I like this...     Anything to encourage them to stick around! :)     Growing this year - a long list, will take me a long while to complete:   The reliable ones: Super Chilli - my fav...
  9. moosery

    seeds Seedling issues

    I'm sure the experienced guys will be along later but usually purple leaves are feeding related, so maybe worth asking have you fed them, when, how often and with what, and what soil did you give them? Cheers.
  10. moosery

    pests More insects...but what are they this time? (warning, images of squished not open if of a

        Hahaha no, better not be. I'm pretty sure they're booklice though :)
  11. moosery

    pests More insects...but what are they this time? (warning, images of squished not open if of a

      They do a bit, don't they. But we don't get those in the UK, or at least, very rarely.... Wahey - an answer from your termite idea, I googled "insects that look like termites" and found the answer in the oddest fashion.   Psocoptera aka booklouse   They eat bark so that'll be why they're in...
  12. moosery

    Jalapeno stem warts/thorns?

    oh, also, looks to me like they're leaning to the light, rotate them daily to help with this a bit. But, it's not good to have them this leggy, you should do as has been said and bury them, and try more light even if you have to use electric light (with only a few plants you can use even a desk...
  13. moosery

    Using the paper towel method.

    +1 here too, since just throwing seeds into soil seems to work, why bother making life more complicated?  ;)
  14. moosery

    pests More insects...but what are they this time? (warning, images of squished not open if of a

    Finding these ones under the plant pots so largely in the soil, but they're too fast, all I can get is a microscope photo of a squished one!      edit - found another!      To put a scale on them, they're about 1.5mm and they run quite fast. And most certainly aren't thrips today, although...
  15. moosery

    Ladies and Gents, I present to you - the Thrip-inator!

    Yeah I should patent that name.    Basic idea is that any bugs loose enough to be able to be "tapped" off a plant are loose enough to be vacuumed off. I always vacuum up spiders (shame on me) so I'm no stranger to the concept. If it works on thrips, it might work well on whitefly, aphids....  ...
  16. moosery


      Awesome - yes, I went to a "proper garden center" and found a bag of horticultural sand, happy too that it was on sale so actually £2.49, cheaper than builders sand!        Lawn sand has fungicides? I'm interested in Diatomaceous earth though now, thanks for the tip, that stuff looks neat for...
  17. moosery


    Seen a few more but they're still isolated and I'm catching and squashing them as I find them. Still hesitant to resort to any pesticides at this stage although I have been looking for the fatty acid spray - it's actually hard to find here in the UK.   Everyone needs a USB microscope btw...
  18. moosery

    Does Sevin spray kill fungus gnats

    Sundew (the carnivorous plant) was my solution to fungus gnats last year - and boy does it work.    Trying to get hold of one this year but it's a bit early for them I think...   Edit: also pinguicula (butterwort) is a good choice...not my pic (thankfully!) but pretty funny to see  ...
  19. moosery

    Three Cotyledons

    I also like the weird conjoined twin leaves that you can get too..
  20. moosery

    sun bending towards the sun??

    Make a reflector out of aluminium foil and card and put it behind them, or rotate them. A reflector will increase the total light they receive too. 