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  1. moosery


    Guys - I think I'm going to try sand, but I have a question: what sand do you use? Any old sand, like builder's sharp sand? 
  2. moosery


        It's funny you should say that, because for the last couple of weeks I've had two ladybugs suddenly hanging around, which I thought was odd since it's just a windowsill in the house, so...I was wondering what they were eating to stay alive. Guess that's solved that problem!  :dance: Lets...
  3. moosery


    during routine inspection yesterday I noticed one plant had no more than maybe five thrips on it. Already! They don't hang about do they?   I've squashed them all by hand - a rather satisfying experience - quarantined it, had a very good look at all my other seedlings/young plants and can't see...
  4. moosery

    seeds growing from seeds

    I get something like 90% from simple £15 ($25) store bought electric propagators, I just dump the seeds straight in soil in trays and plop them in the propagators with all the vents shut (out of the direct sun!). Some of you guys have incredibly elaborate methods, I wonder why that is? Past...
  5. moosery

    seeds germination time

    Yeah they look dry. I've always found seeds to be the opposite of plants in that you're better keeping them totally wet than letting them dry out. If some people on here saw the swampy conditions I sometimes germinate in I bet they would probably scold me - but it seems to work!     I suspect...
  6. moosery

    pests Broad Mites or some other pest?

    Yeah unless they're tiny dots darting around like loons they're not broad mite. Broad mites never stand still in my experience.    Is edema a big problem or just cosmetic? I always just considered it one of those things you get when you grow chillies in the UK climate...
  7. moosery


    :welcome:  You can have applause from me for using poo. Personally I'm a bit squeamish and I'd not eat the peppers if I'd put poo on them, so I'd rather just use poo that's been renamed to fancy chemical names in a bottle. I'm sure it's still poo, or was poo. 
  8. moosery

    Leaf issue

      Everything crossed for you.  One thing I did notice (after reading it on the interweb) is that the wilted/dead/mutated growth is caused by a toxin which takes a while to get out of the plant's system, meaning you will probably still see warped new growth for a few weeks and it doesn't...
  9. moosery

    Pre-pollenated that a thing? :)

        I see. Been a while since I've seen any flowers, I probably got over-excited! :)
  10. moosery

    Leaf issue

        My blog isn't much, just a sort of dump of things I discover as I tend to forget, I was looking at a "glog" instead actually ;) but the broad mites vid is quite interesting, I could only get a vid of a "drowsy" one, usually they move like lightning across the leaves. I believe this is an...
  11. moosery

    Pre-pollenated that a thing? :)

    Hey guys, first flower this year from an overwintered scotch bonnet. But it looks like it's already got some fruit thing going on even though it literally only opened this morning.    Do they ever pollenate themselves and set fruit before they open? Or is it just an oddly large mutant base of...
  12. moosery

    Leaf issue

    Been a lurker, but signed up to tell you about my last year's horror of broad mite - and to tell you that I beat them last year with NO pesticide at all and haven't seen a single one since. I even had yields in the end, which was pretty good result considering my mite outbreak had all my plants...