
As my first post on this lovely site, can I get a round of applause for the mighty power off poop? Black hen (no composting required), worm, goat, rabbit, horse (my favorite) all grow plants better than any fertilizer I've seen out there. Thank you doo doo
You can have applause from me for using poo.
Personally I'm a bit squeamish and I'd not eat the peppers if I'd put poo on them, so I'd rather just use poo that's been renamed to fancy chemical names in a bottle. I'm sure it's still poo, or was poo. 
Welcome to THP.
I'm really leery about using poo unless it's been composted or at least heated to kill the pathogens and weed seeds that may lie within.  We regularly use alpaca poo that has been composting from October to May.  Plus the farm collects and turns the poo every week even before we pick up our loads, so I know it's safe to use come Spring.   Fresh, non - composted manure is not safe to put around veggies, IMHO.
"Although chicken manure is too strong to be used raw on your flowers or vegetables, it can be composted and converted to “black gold”.   If used without composting it could damage roots and possibly kill your plants."
Typically I'll use horse poo composted for months with food scraps, oak leaves, and other plant matter. Comes out dark and loamy. No fresh poo that's just too harsh, only composted for thosepicturing someone following critters with a bag lol. As for the chicken, I have a product in my area called black hen that's bagged and already composted that is absolutely incredible.
I use pasteurized poultry dropping compost on everything.  I have some friends that live at a commune with about 100 people that uses composting toilets, so they use some humanure on their fields...apparently they have a lot of volunteer tomatoes come up also.
We can't discredit fish poo or worm poo either :)
When I clean out my swirl filters on my fish tank the waste goes directly in the raised beds.
I found this poo based fert this afternoon while wasting time and was wondering what other pepper people thought of it.  I'd be using it from transplant to the garden on.