Ok so i have sent out seeds to:
Old Salty
And one other I somehow didnt note.
Nobody has told me if they got them or not ( Old Salty, siouxzn, and Austin just went today).
I am still waiting on envelopes from:
Mikey in the Ham
Thanks all!
She is fermenting nice at the moment. I found that the top of my water heater is about 72 degrees so thats my new winter spot as my pantry is like 62 or so this time of year.
Slim chance on that buddy!
I use those 2 like a champ!
Well is needs to get to the person who is returning it. I could cross out the writing and rewrite on it and add more stamps then tape it closed but the post office doesn't exactly love that.
Its all good, I am sending the stuff out in good shape I just don't want folks to waste the 2 or 3...
Just a reminder that the SASBE is supposed to be IN an envelope.
I can't reuse the one that you shipped with cancelled postage and addresses on it. The PO doesn't like that. I will make it all work but stop wasting your money on the bubble if I can't use it.
This is what I should be...