I turn my dehydrator down to 95F. After drying you can just crack them in a bag with your hand and sift out the seeds. Never had a germination problem this way. They absolutely cannot take the heat of non temp controlled dehydrators which normally operate around 140F.
Well thats cause Jamie and Kevin are awesome peoples.
If you can plan on sending out as many or most on one day, I would say just sow when you get them. If you guys will be sending out staggered shipments then wait for a new date.
If you have leaves, preferably Oak and Maple but most will be fine, mix those in. As much as you can possibly put in the ground and till well. you will be golden.
So my dog ate my homework...
I just found out that tomorrow is a holiday and that the gov is closed but I have to work so the package will be out Tuesday morn.