It is so HOT outside that you almost can't breath, 107! Leaves are melting off my plants and I have major leaf drop, I doubt I can save them all, I brought a few choice ones I want to save so they can cool off!
Apids suck!................Period!
Keep bragging:! Braggard! :}
That said, it doesn't look like over watering to me. I've been watching my garden wither from all this rain we've been getting here in central florida.
Be Well !!
Sorry Boss, I guess I missed that...I think it was that message that threw me off and got me somewhat! Sorry, you don't have permission for that!
Thanx and Good Luck!
107 Today! Watered the plants at least twice today cause it all evaporated! Oh well setting inside with my struggling AC taking my 360 hour course cause - oh crap - it is due in court tomorrow. And brinking cold beer and laughing my ass off!