Search results

  1. X

    for-sale ~~CLOSED!!~~Brain Strain Red SFRB Sale!!

    Nada, Gonna make some sauce with them. Maybe tonight....
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    for-sale ~~CLOSED!!~~Brain Strain Red SFRB Sale!!

    got mine in the mail today, thanks again dale!!
  3. X

    auction ~~RARE~~ Trinidad Scorpion CHOCOLATE SFRB AUCTION!!!

    What the heck,... I'll go for $55 EDIT: Ummm not sure why that posted so many times,.... Weird..
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    for-sale ~~CLOSED!!~~Brain Strain Red SFRB Sale!!

    Sweet! I will take one, PM on the way.
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    fancy pants

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    movies Favorite movies

    Poor ole Andy... I can pick a favorite movie of all time but, my favorite movie right now has to be Megamind...
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    Some great news I have to share with you all

    I have no doubt that you will get where you want to be. Just don't let yourself get discouraged, Everyone has to start somewhere! Good luck to ya!
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    seeds Germinating Issues

    That seems like a good idea! But, here in bama the inside of my car gets up to temps to the point that I cannot even touch the steering wheel. If I left my plants in my car all day they would be little green puddles of goo... but people that live in the upper states where it stays a little...
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    Some great news I have to share with you all

    Congrats man! My wife is an RN and loves it! What kind of nurse are going to try to get a job as? My wife does NICU it has it's sad moments but it also has great ones. (null)
  10. X

    Need a plant or two

    Wow that is very generous but I think that California may be too far away from Alabama to be able to ship plants this time of year. However, if I am wrong someone please correct me! If it isn't too far then I will definitely get them from you! Edit: Well I just found this website Shipping Live...
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    Need a plant or two

    Ok, so I started my seeds and got the plants that I wanted going, now I realize that I want another plant but I believe it is a little to late to start more seeds. So I am wanting to buy a plant from someone, It does not need to be a full size, producing fruit, plant. I am wanting a seedling. I...
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    movies Favorite Movie Quotes

    I think that the first boondocks saints surpassed the second in every conceivable way but,... This scene from the second one was awesome!
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    New Chillihead in the Fam!

    Awesome! Congrats! (null)
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    Lessons with furniture... Ughh

    So I decided that I wanted a new recliner, my wife said that it was stupid to buy a new chair because the one we have is "just fine"... as I dig the splinter out of my arm. So, naturally, I go to the furniture store to look at chairs and while I'm there she calls me and says she will be there in...
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    Automated hillbilly... LOL (null)
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    Coolest mailbox ever

    That's awesome! (null)
  17. X

    Coolest mailbox ever

    Seriously, best mailbox ever.