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  1. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Many nursery can ship you cps in the states ! Nepenthes hamata Another clone, darker Nepenthes ramispina Nepenthes tenuis Heliamphora collina x elongata seedlings Heliamphora minor x heterodoxa Unknown heliamphora Heliamphora exappendiculata Heliamphora sarracenioides baby...
  2. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Thanks :) Sorry for tha late reply.. Can i ask where you live?
  3. Maiden


    Without Redbull or Monster ?
  4. Maiden

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now? Hey hogleg:)
  5. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    ...A 500euro plant!! Just for the record; The first heliamphora minor var pilosa flower has been pollinated, 5 minutes ago, for the second time, with h.minor var minor pollen. The pollen was frozen since last summer.  (By the way, no need fancy methods, just put the pollen in a saucer, in a...
  6. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    Okay :-)
  7. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    At the end...
  8. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Well done! Yes i think its a lil plantlet next to your plants clump :) Your climat look perfect for this drosera specie.
  9. Maiden

    water Need an auto-watering system for a 5 gallon Bucket

    Yeah, its connected to the same device :P
  10. Maiden

    water Need an auto-watering system for a 5 gallon Bucket

    I have a auto-watering system, called my wife. Works pretty nicely :P
  11. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    My pleasure bro :-)
  12. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Probably purpurea :) Im not a sarracenia expert but purpurea grow in Canada.
  13. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Hehe :-) Only a addicted can understand another addicted !I paid 200$ for a lil juvenile h.minor var pilosa (Aw), and now a few years later i got a big plants clump with 30+ pitchers. Just imagine the price of this! Nice! Well done seriously. I have to grow my own one day!
  14. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Very nice plant jb ! Lowii x truncata is around 15$, not so bad if you compare to some of my collection nepenthes. My n.tenuis is around 100$ for a baby plant. We are crazy :-P
  15. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Genlisea aurea
  16. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Nepenthes tenuis Nepenthes tenuis by dals009, on Flickr :)
  17. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    H.minor "burgundy-black" H.minor var pilosa H.minor var minor
  18. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Thanks a lot ! :-)
  19. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Heliamphora by dals009, on Flickr