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  1. Donnie

    breeding Cross polination

    Sounds interesting and I think you might succeed. I tried crossing an annuum with a chinense (Pequin de Ischia x Naga Morich) and found that it was not easy to get hold of the typical aromatic flavor of the chinense species, not a lot of it in my 2nd generation (F2). But making a cayenne hotter...
  2. Donnie

    Little orange buggers!!!

    Reminds me of Tabasco Short Yellow Tabasco...
  3. Donnie

    breeding Cross polination

    For dominant traits -here is a list of capsicum genetic traits: Bad or good luck? You may be lucky to find something of interest f you grow a few plants and then isolate them for 6-8 generations and you may have a new stabile variety. But...
  4. Donnie

    Best pepper for paprika?

    Pasilla and Hungarian Boldog have done well for me in a Northern climate. They both have a sweet, rich flavor.
  5. Donnie

    Orange Thai x Goat's Weed F1

    Chris, I'm sure you will come up with a great idea and you will be able to carry it out... ;) It takes a bit of effort, especially if you are striving for certain combined qualities you will need to grow out many plants in the F2/F3/F4-generations. I remember you growing a lot chinenses/super...
  6. Donnie

    Orange Thai x Goat's Weed F1

    2011 update A lot of F2-plants grown this year - pubescens/hairyness varies very much from almost nothing to almost as much as in the original Goat's Weed. They were all grown from seeds from the same F1-pod. All plants, notice also the difference in size and growth habit. An example of the...
  7. Donnie

    Best hot pepper list

    I have tried 15-20 suppliers. and are the best in my opinion, bought from both 4-5 times and super quality every time.
  8. Donnie

    chinense Habanero Long Red Hot Organic Chilli Seeds

    Looks a lot like "Hot Paper Lantern". I have also bought seeds there - once I bought an F1-variety that wasn't marked with F1 neither on the site or on the package - I wrote him and told him that it was very frustrating, but he didn't even...
  9. Donnie

    Sibirischer Hauspaprika

    Name is German and means "Siberian House Pepper". It is often stated that it is tolerant to low light conditions. I grew it 6-7 years ago on a shady window sill and it performed alright. Heat is around 7. Taste is nothing special as I remember it...
  10. Donnie

    Interesting looking pod...

    The correct spelling is "Petenero" like on I have grown it and made a cross with it together with a black-foliaged chinense variety. Growing 12 F2-plants this year... Here is the first thread about this variety...
  11. Donnie

    Recommended Varieties for Small Pots

    1-3 Gallons isn't that small in my opinion - I have grown a lot of plants in the 1-2 litre span (0.25-0.5 gallons) and still I would get 100-200+ chilis on some varieties like for example Pequin da Ischia and Orange Thai. Another one that would do just fine is Aji Omnicolor (c. baccatum) which...
  12. Donnie

    Orange Thai x Goat's Weed F1

    For the ones wanting seeds - sorry, I am not giving away seeds of my crosses anymore. You would have to make your own crosses, this thread was originally intended to inspire people to make their own crosses. Feel free to copycat this cross, but I am hoping you make up your own ideas/projects...
  13. Donnie

    Orange Thai x Goat's Weed F1

    Yes, main goal was to get the combination of a more cold hardy thai-type and earlier version of the Goat's Weed. This seems to be going well... Pubescens/hairyness is a difficult trait to stabilize, since it is a quantitative trait (more or less, from almost nothing and varying to a lot of it...
  14. Donnie

    breeding Interspecies cross-breeding question

    3 more threads dedicated to this subject, maybe they could be of help...
  15. Donnie

    Orange Thai x Goat's Weed F1

    An update to this thread... I grew out the F2-generation in 2009 from selfed seeds (13 plants) and got plants with different traits - different degree of pubescens (hairyness) and 2 plants (about 1 out of 4 plants like expected) had orange pods, the rest had red pods because it is dominant to...
  16. Donnie

    Your favourite variety?

    Pimenta Morango - a chinense from Brazil. Beautiful, very flavorful and the right amount of heat, i.e. not overwhelming (around 7 or 8 out of 10)
  17. Donnie


    I have grown this variety some years back - they do get very long, but mine were not very thick-walled, so the biggest weighed around 250 grams (circa 9 oz) I also remember flavor to be very disappointing... Last year I grew a bell pepper that weighed in at 298 grams (circa 11½ oz) - its a...
  18. Donnie

    Strange Brown....

    Seems very similar to Chilhuacle Negro.
  19. Donnie

    Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

    Seems that the Manchester/Liverpool climate matches our Danish climate; chilly and wet summers. Actually it is a bit worse, sunshine hours statistically are less than in Denmark. So I guess Beatles were right about that English tan...
  20. Donnie

    Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

    It is wild that you are able to grow peppers - do you grow them in a greenhouse or unprotected? Either way, I see why you bring them inside during nights...