Search results

  1. HellfireFarm

    co-packer Talking to copackers

    I have that shed conversion for production so that's not a problem, but I don't know how big I can scale in there. It's mostly a matter of capacity for one person to keep up with. I don't know HOW much I can do on my own. The spice blends are a lot more scalable and easy to produce so I was...
  2. HellfireFarm

    fermenting Vinegar woes

    White fuzz suddenly covering my vinegar - wasn't there 2 days ago, appeared very suddenly. What might cause this to come on so quickly?
  3. HellfireFarm

    co-packer Talking to copackers

    Not sauce bottlers - but I've finally got a list of possible copackers for some of my products. I'm finding that most if not all want a history, including sales volume, and will only talk to you if you meet a certain level already. Problem is, they want a much larger volume that I would be able...
  4. HellfireFarm

    recipe-help Recipe suggestions

    I'm making a sauce based on roasted Anaheims & Poblanos. Last time i made a sauce like this I used tomatillos and vinegar (and don't remember what if anything else). I don't want a recipe, I like making up my own - so just looking for some ideas of what to put in it.
  5. HellfireFarm

    shipping Sauce darkens aftdr shipping

    Yes, xanthan gum is an essential ingredient in most gluten free baking.
  6. HellfireFarm

    business Need advice on where to go next

    It's a good resource. Just be aware that it may not be fully up to date - although it's easy enough to just contact the place and find out if they're still around :) I'm not sure Working Landscapes is still in business. I used to rent their kitchen until one day they just stopped responding...
  7. HellfireFarm

    business Need advice on where to go next

    Of those suggested you will need to use Bobbees or Carolina Copacking if you want to keep your "Got to be NC" designation. It has to actually be made in NC to qualify.
  8. HellfireFarm

    website Award winning sauces looking to get reviews and growth

    I thought I heard your name - great job!
  9. HellfireFarm

    So I responded to a redit asking how to build up tolerance

    I have an Indian restaurant I go to regularly - they ask 1-10 I tell them 12. Still haven't got a 12...
  10. HellfireFarm

    pod Oddly Shaped Ghost Peppers

    What exactly do you mean by "bumps"? If you're talking about those small bumps all over, that's normal for Ghosts. I often see some that aren't fully pointed and some that are a bit off-shape, too. If the bulk of them are turning out as normal ghosts I don't worry about it. I just don't take...
  11. HellfireFarm

    pod More mixed up seeds

    That doesn't look anything like a Reaper, even an unripe one. It's not the right shape nor is it bumpy enough.
  12. HellfireFarm

    recipe Aji Chombo sauce

    Yes, it's a US brand of basic straightforward yellow mustard.
  13. HellfireFarm

    General Lawn Care

    They use constant care and lots of water. They scalp the grass so that the lawn doesn't grow like it should - thus the constant care. You don't want your lawn to be like that. Good lawn maintenance will require aeration, fertilization, proper watering, and proper mowing. That last one is...
  14. HellfireFarm

    business Need advice on where to go next

    I've never heard anything like that - they don't have any sort of membership cap. If your product is grown or made in NC, you should be able to join.
  15. HellfireFarm

    Funny pic of the day. Anyone?

  16. HellfireFarm

    Funny pic of the day. Anyone?

  17. HellfireFarm

    cookware Got a Smoker :)

    I've been wanting to smoke my own bacon. I bet you're looking forward to breakfast soon!
  18. HellfireFarm

    disease Anthracnose possibly

    Matches my experience. Bells get it most, Anaheims and Poblanos next. Rarely see it on Serranos or anything smaller, and never on the chinenses.
  19. HellfireFarm

    cutlery Wood Cutting Boards, Anyone?

    Cutting veggies, I just give it a good wipe down afterward - not anything special. If I cut meat, i spray it with a vinegar solution (with a little soap) and then wipe it dry after a couple minutes. I refinish it with mineral oil maybe once a year, and maybe 7 years ago or so I sanded it and...
  20. HellfireFarm

    plant Needing help with I.D. please

    Ghost is the closest offhand from the look, but I agree with @CaneDog that it's not quite right. Keep us posted as they ripen!