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  1. cheezydemon

    Great FIND!! (espanol help?;))

    I tried this tiny little place called Panaderia (I think), the sign said bakery and burritos in english but nothing else. I got 3 tacos, pollo. Fresh cilantro, fresh onions, a warm fresh soft tortilla, and this fiery little tub of salsa. AWESOME!!!!! They gave me back $2 too much, so darn, I...
  2. cheezydemon

    Simple Swedish - Lesson 1

    *must go home at lunch....;)*
  3. cheezydemon

    Man VS Food

    Marathon last night. MY DAUGHTERS AND I COULDN'T STOP WATCHING!!!! Those extract wings looked beyond evil. Such a great show.;)
  4. cheezydemon

    Simple Swedish - Lesson 1

    DAMN IT THP.....CAN WE GET RID OF ALL THE SWEDES?? ;) Sorry, can't see vids at work.:( Is it a busty swede???;)
  5. cheezydemon

    Habanero Suffed Olives

    :shocked: This is different....he's a swede....they only like meatballs and massages.;)
  6. cheezydemon

    Habanero Suffed Olives

    Hate to say it, I have been getting hab stuffed olives at Wal Mart for years....not exactly rare.;)
  7. cheezydemon

    Demonic Pumpkin Seed Stout

  8. cheezydemon

    Demonic Pumpkin Seed Stout

    I am changing up my annual roasted pumpkin seed ale. I usually do a pale ale with a hint of cinnamon and roasted pumpkin seeds. This year, I am doing a roasty stout chock full of roasted pumpkin seed. Also I am only doing 3 gallons of it with a fairly high expected ABV (alchohol by volume)...
  9. cheezydemon

    food habby pizone

    lol.. IT'S ALIVE!!!!!IT LIVES AGAIN HAHAHAHAHA!! MORE JUICE IGOR!!!!!! (and while your at it, rape up that fromage!!!;))
  10. cheezydemon

    Passow's Hop Harvest And Wet Hop IPA

    Yeah, I just figured that since they aren't boiled or dried, they wouldn't impart much. Could be way wrong! We'll compare notes. Never heard of hops infecting beer.....EVER!!!;)
  11. cheezydemon

    Upper class twit of the year

    Mr Arboc, the british are probably more foreign to us than you (I know, sounds wierd!) I think this fact has helped artists like Monty Python and even JRR Tolkien, and certainly Rawlings (or whoever wrote Hairy Plopper) The element of strangeness we find in their ordinary, adds an...
  12. cheezydemon

    Have you ever felt drawn to a place...

    Nice hooker Dick! I am most at home in The red river gorge in Eastern Kentucky. Breathtaking views, few railings, backcountry heaven, gorgeous foliage. In the dead of winter is my favorite. Went camping there for my birthday 8 years ago....went to bed soggy and drizzling rain, woke up the...
  13. cheezydemon

    food habby pizone

    Thank you sir!!! Those posts were 2 weeks apart though......hardly whoreish if you asked me!
  14. cheezydemon

    food habby pizone

    Had to dig this thread out! lol.
  15. cheezydemon

    Passow's Pumpkin Experiments

    Glad to hear it. I will soon brew my coveted pumpkin seed ale. You won't see a recipe!;)
  16. cheezydemon

    Passow's Hop Harvest And Wet Hop IPA

    I am drying my 2nd harvest to dry hop. Dry hopping with wet hops seemed wrong, but we'll see! I bottled my first "Brown hop ale" saturday, no hop aroma lol.(that was the one with all of the sub par looking cones)
  17. cheezydemon

    misc Name that MUSTARD!!!

    Black magic Or Creole Curse
  18. cheezydemon

    Dumbest thing I think I've ever seen with peppers....ever...

    WHat a tard!!!! I remember seeing the making of the Indiana Jones thing. Jell-o was involved, and a hair dryer.
  19. cheezydemon


    :cheers: You are probably right, overwintered plants take up way more space than sprouts. I need to try the devil's tongue, like Potowie said, all are probably misnamed. The one I grew produced like a champ, had tons of c chinense flavor and aroma, and blistering heat. Never had a...
  20. cheezydemon

    Dumbest thing I think I've ever seen with peppers....ever...

    That is frigging hilarious, lol.