Search results

  1. yemtol

    free Free Nhu's Pepper seeds

    more than plenty. Send a SASBE to the address in the first post.
  2. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  3. yemtol

    Now Thats A Lotto Seeds! Contest!

  4. yemtol

    Ask a Walmart Garden Center Employee Anything.

    I'm looking to start my superhots for next year after Christmas. Do you guys still carry any potting soil or seed starters in the off season, or do I need to buy it now before they put it all away til spring.
  5. yemtol

    How Long Before Picking

    I try to leave mine on a day or two into full ripeness because I enjoy the sweetness with the heat. However, if they split I pull them the same day and they go in the pot for dinner that night. I hate letting them go to waste, so I try to catch the split ones before they have a chance to turn...
  6. yemtol

    Now Thats A Lotto Seeds! Contest!

    Re: post #71, I've been playing with computers since I got my first TRS-80 when I was seven. Powers of two make me feel warm and fuzzy for my childhood. *babysat by computers since DOS was new and operating systems were still optional* And yes, Tom Baker is still the best Dr Who of all time...
  7. yemtol

    flower drop

    Just to still his thunder, The Willard List: Flower drop probable causes: 1. Day temp too high >95F 2. Night temp too low <65F 3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer 4. Too much water 5. Low light levels (reduces fertility). 6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility) 7. Poor air circulation (air...
  8. yemtol

    free Free Nhu's Pepper seeds

    Nhu's husband told me yesterday that she is planning to bring me something that will make these seem tame by comparison. I'm kind of nervous about that, but very excited. If they're as tasty and unusual as the ones I'm offering here, I may grow out the seeds and make it available next season.
  9. yemtol

    Hab Pepper Mill

    I had a wonderful idea this morning. I was wanting to grind up some hab powder for a cookout at my parent's house today, but I was running short on both time and suitable containers. As I was scouring the kitchen for a reasonable alternative, I came across a nearly empty McCormick Black Pepper...
  10. yemtol

    Healthy Plant Dropping Flowers

    The Willard List waiting until post #16? Willard seems to be having a busy weekend while the rest of us are getting lazy with our copy and paste. :D
  11. yemtol

    free Free Nhu's Pepper seeds

    Please do. there's more than enough to go around.
  12. yemtol

    Miracle grow thoughts?

    My tomatoes and cukes love it, but my weeds love it more. I used it early in the season, probably won't use again.
  13. yemtol

    Healthy Plant Dropping Flowers

    Spending that much time indoors, they may not be getting sufficient opportunity for pollination. My hab acted like that earlier in the season. I had to hand pollinate at first to get it jump started until the bees found it. Now I've got more than i can handle. Edit: Boost beat me to it while...
  14. yemtol

    free Free Nhu's Pepper seeds

    I got the first two SASBEs yesterday and sent them back out this morning.
  15. yemtol

    Now Thats A Lotto Seeds! Contest!

  16. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  17. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  18. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  19. yemtol

    shopping Grocery store pepper labelling

    Get fewer smirks. Grow your own cucumbers. Even easier than the peppers after you train them up a trellis.