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  1. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  2. yemtol

    Ask a Walmart Garden Center Employee Anything.

    What does Walmart's recycling program entail that prevents them from being able to give empty icing buckets and produce boxes to customers?
  3. yemtol

    My first supper hots, how best to enjoy them.

    Try to find a dehydrator and a spice/coffee grinder at yard sales. Powders are great. Just be careful not to mace yourself or others. Got mine for a total of less than eight bucks.
  4. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  5. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  6. yemtol

    Vietnamese Mystery Peppers: Need help unveiling the mystery

    New information: After a couple weeks of trying, I finally got a hold of the guy who's wife gave me the seeds so I could pump him for more information. Apparently his wife's family in Vietnam crossbreeds peppers for their own enjoyment. This variety was developed years ago in their family...
  7. yemtol

    Hi from Indy

    Welcome fellow Hoosier.
  8. yemtol

    Focus Group Offer: Seeds for Opinions

    Thanks for the input.
  9. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  10. yemtol

    Focus Group Offer: Seeds for Opinions

    Not a business, but superhot seeds go in right after Christmas, my budget for this year is gone, and my wife already told me no unless I can find a way to raise money for that purpose. Seeds I've got thanks to the generosity of THP members, but supplies, lighting, equipment not so much. I know...
  11. yemtol

    free Free Moruga seeds and Free Brain Strain seeds

    earlier in the thread, he said it's ongoing.
  12. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  13. yemtol

    Focus Group Offer: Seeds for Opinions

    I recently found out that I am going to have no start up money when it comes time to start my seeds for next season. I have come up with a possible plan to raise the capital needed, but I need to know there will be sufficient interest and market value before I commit to it. In return for your...
  14. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  15. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  16. yemtol

    Word Association Thread

  17. yemtol

    contest September ThrowDown HoDown

    I'd conveniently lose the key while they're locked out. At least they'd be getting fresh air while texting. Then again, my children are young enough that mama or daddy says so is still a viable argument.
  18. yemtol

    contest September ThrowDown HoDown

    :rolleyes: My ESPN is revealing to me a wood fired brick lined oven built quickly while the kids play ultimate frisbee in the background. :onfire:
  19. yemtol

    contest September ThrowDown HoDown

    Thems a lotta pennies.... ...minus the zinc
  20. yemtol

    Word Association Thread
