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  1. Ballzworth

    All of my chinense plants are midgets

    agree with the other posts. in another month you'll be happy because they'll have solid thick stems and they'll be taking off. Some of my annuums are very tall as well and I have to be careful with the wind because some of them can barely support themselves. Your plants are looking good...
  2. Ballzworth

    Beautiful Big Jim

    the editing and frames are important why?? that plant looks perfect. one of the best I've ever seen. nice job!
  3. Ballzworth

    storage Freezing peppers...

    what are you hoping to use them for? if you're cooking with them or making hot sauce or concentrates then freezing is great, but they'll lose that crunchy fresh taste to them if you're hoping for fresh pods. They don't come out the same as they went in. soggy. I've heard that there are ways...
  4. Ballzworth

    terrorizer! love it! raw and heavy

    terrorizer! love it! raw and heavy
  5. Ballzworth

    Yellow bhut.

    I couldn't believe when I saw it. 91 pods in three weeks! I hoping for the yellow color for you buddy. That's going to be quite the looker when you get the ripening action. it was awesome to try a chunk of red bhut as well. man that thing has got serious burn to it. lets hope the yellow...
  6. Ballzworth

    Sky's 2010 season.

    nice. gotta love the pro-mix. Even just seeing a picture of it feels good. I found some here for $25 which made my day. It's hard enough to find it as it is, let alone at a good price so I got some extra for next year. that'll do the trick for you!
  7. Ballzworth

    Yay!!! My first Bhut

    I'm jealous man. Save me a piece for when I swing by next. It's great having our testing season start so early. what was it, a month ago when you had ripe dominicas? SV, to answer you original question, I think you'll probably need over a month to get the bhut fully grown and ripened.
  8. Ballzworth

    Yay!!! My first Bhut

    Nice job SV. I have my first pods at the same stage as you on a choco bhut from Madhatter. So nice to see some actually peppers peeking out after the months we've put into them. Madhatter, those bhuts look amazing man. 46 pods already? damn it's not even May yet!
  9. Ballzworth

    Another 2010 grow log.

    i like it. great looking space. I hope those plants aren't too close together cause they're going to get huge!
  10. Ballzworth

    Question: Distance between plants?

    2 feet maybe? some peppers grow taller and some grow small and bushy, depending on how you've raised them/type of pepper, so it's hard to say, but I do about 2 feet apart and usually by the end of the season they're overlapping and fighting for space. If you're space restricted then you could...
  11. Ballzworth

    growing in ontario canada

    with the awesome weather we're having, I'd like to think that by May 24 we'll be safe. But you never know when an unexpected frost might hit. I'm planning for May 24 if overnight temps have been well above zero for a few weeks. Where are you in Ontario? Further south = safer bet for mid-late...
  12. Ballzworth

    Yellow bhut.

    great pics. man those things took off quick. Both plants have similarities, but also quite different. it'll be interesting to test out the heat/taste once they're done. very cool
  13. Ballzworth

    hot-sauce MIxing sauces

    Frostbite is definitely not hot. Stores I think get things mixed up because it says "made with 1,000,000 SHU extract (which could mean anything) and they in turn misinterpret it as being a 1 million scoville sauce. It's a spicy vinegar, with no much heat to it. Good on fries though.
  14. Ballzworth

    pics Wanted to share some pics of my plants

    That's what I call good use of a kitchen! Awesome progress, and you just gave me the idea to use my mic stands to attach CFLs to so they're portable and adjustable. why didn't I figure that out before? thanks!
  15. Ballzworth

    My 2 channel audio setup. I'm finally totally happy.

    very impressive set up. I hear you about sound quality and it's apparent "regression" over the past years. CDs still only have 16bit 44.1 audio and it's been that way since the 80's??? Think about TVs in the 80's compared to now. The technology is certainly there to have music up to par as...
  16. Ballzworth

    Potawie's early progress 2010

    you got some nice fast production from all your plants so far. Very full and healthy looking. Hopefully we can get more consistently warm temps soon to save on the transferring around.
  17. Ballzworth

    Chilli Tests 7 pod "Brain Strain"

    Insanity. Awesome job! would be interesting to hear your opinions on the heat diff between the commonly mentioned Butch T, Morouga, and different 7s. You're brave men.
  18. Ballzworth

    Y7 Turkey Slap

    Was over at Madhatters earlier to try some of the Y7 Turkey Slap he got from Neil. I definitely agree with what was said above about how you'd swear there's fruit in there. Smells like a pineapple or peach sauce or something. Amazing taste and very unique compared to anything I've tried...
  19. Ballzworth

    Hottest Chilli in the World Being Grown in Grantham, Lins (UK)

    the yellow bhut is showing true! that's some good news. hey Madhatter, you around this aft? looking forward to trying the turkey slap!
  20. Ballzworth

    2010 Grow Thread Begins

    more great picks Patrick. You gotta love seeing that next stage when the the top of the plant starts branching off into two, and that new growth at the bottom of the stems. Did you end up getting any of that Chilli Focus?