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  1. AcidRain23

    Bhut or 7 Pot?

    Awesome, thanks! These were mislabeled too...I'm thinking bonnets??
  2. AcidRain23

    Bhut or 7 Pot?

    Any ideas? I lost my label and not sure what they are since Bhuts and 7 Pot's look so similar: What do you think?
  3. AcidRain23

    Impact of bed/pot depth on pepper growth?

    This may be helpful.... Here are some pics of pepper root development- Young Plant: 1/2 grown: Mature Plant: From:
  4. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    I believe I started this one from seed saved from peppers I picked up at the Hispanic grocery store up the street. They were your typical yellowish/orangish manzanos. No idea on the variety. This is the plant's second year. It grew very slowly last year and was one of the only peppers that...
  5. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    Superhots are on the front (south facing) balcony: More: Manzano needs staking:
  6. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    Here's an update. Everything is planted finally!!!!! Here are the annums in the back yard: The little ones in front are vietnamese multicolor and chinese 5 color. The larger plants in back are purple jalapenos. Here is a closeup of the purple jalapenos which are setting fruit already...
  7. AcidRain23

    #^&#^&#^#^&@^@ !!!

    Another possibility is whitefly. Also a plague! Here's a pic: Control for whitefly is the same as control for aphids. I usually get lots of both. Blech!
  8. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    More pics! Check out the manzano. It is trying to escape out of the top of the window! I'm thinking about transplanting to a giant 10 or 20 gallon bucket when it goes outside (very soon hopefully)! Will this thing keep getting bigger?!? Purple Jalapenos are lookin pretty good: That is a...
  9. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    One of my better looking Bhuts: Vietnamese Multicolor and Chinese 5 Color are still little, but look healthy: So far so good! Now that I've said that I'm sure I will be cursed with a plague of fungal diseases and spider mites. Hope not though!!!
  10. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    Progress... Purple Jalapenos are doing very well (in addition to my Heinz tomatoes): Things coming along under the lights: A closeup. Those are ground cherries in front...
  11. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    This is going to require staking or trellising, no?
  12. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    Thanks for the welcome everybody! Cool! I'm gonna give it some ferts (MG?) soon and a little epsom for magnesium. Once it goes outside, what is your fertilizer of choice? I have heard that too much N makes lots of leaves, but no peppers.
  13. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    Wicked! Logan Square here.
  14. AcidRain23

    AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

    Hi! I'm a regular at another gardening forum, but then decided I needed something more peppercentric and so I stumbled upon this awesome hot pepper growing forum! Anyway, I wanted to say hi and show you what I have cookin so far. I'm still somewhat of a newbie, this is only my 3rd season...