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AcidRain23's 2010 Peppers

Hi! I'm a regular at another gardening forum, but then decided I needed something more peppercentric and so I stumbled upon this awesome hot pepper growing forum! Anyway, I wanted to say hi and show you what I have cookin so far. I'm still somewhat of a newbie, this is only my 3rd season growing peppers. Last year was a total wash as I'm sure some of you other 5Bers can relate to. Cold and wet summer. Blah!

Anyway, I never had luck overwinter peppers, but decided to give it a go this year with my manzano plant. These were from seed I saved from peppers I purchased at the local Hispanic grocery store. I had one lousy plant survive and only got to about 8" tall but I brought it inside to see if I could keep from killing it. Anyway, check this out. This thing is a FREAKING TREE! (PBR can for size reference)


Its only the end of March- do I need a larger pot? How big is it going to get?!?

Here is my list:

ORANGE HABANERO (Seed collected personally from peppers I got while vacationing in Belize)
7 POT (exact strain unknown, possibly Jonah)

Here's a couple of shots of my other babies this year so far:



In the first pic you can see the Purple Jalapenos in front. They seem to be growing the fastest, not surprisingly for Annums. Things look healthy so far. Much better than last year knock on wood.
Welcome from Ontario and your plants look nice and healthy.
I also see your also using the red and blue cups like most of us on the forum.:)
Welcome from Iowa. Nice start to the season you have there. Your over wintered plant should be fine in that pot, the plant will continue to grow as long as it is getting the nutrients it needs, just depends how good of a pepper parent you are...
Thanks for the welcome everybody!

Matt50680 said:
Welcome from Iowa. Nice start to the season you have there. Your over wintered plant should be fine in that pot, the plant will continue to grow as long as it is getting the nutrients it needs, just depends how good of a pepper parent you are...

Cool! I'm gonna give it some ferts (MG?) soon and a little epsom for magnesium. Once it goes outside, what is your fertilizer of choice? I have heard that too much N makes lots of leaves, but no peppers.
Welcome from Boston!

I tried to overwinter some plants last year but was plagued with massive Aphid infestations. I wish I could avoid them little buggers.
Welcome from Central Texas. I have read that the Manzano can grow 10 feet tall. (DeWitt; The Chile Pepper Encyclopedia). It also likes cooler climate and can overwinter better than some. I have some growing too and fear the summer months here. I do not know if the 10 feet is from an overwintered plant or not.
Like your list, good luck this season

you may want something to keep the plant in place, especially with the branch on the right. Once it starts producing pods the weight will drag it down even more. doesn't hurt to throw a stake in there to keep things under control. cool to see you didn't give up on it and got it taking off.


Purple Jalapenos are doing very well (in addition to my Heinz tomatoes):

Things coming along under the lights:

A closeup. Those are ground cherries in front...
One of my better looking Bhuts:

Vietnamese Multicolor and Chinese 5 Color are still little, but look healthy:

So far so good! Now that I've said that I'm sure I will be cursed with a plague of fungal diseases and spider mites. Hope not though!!!
More pics!

Check out the manzano. It is trying to escape out of the top of the window!

I'm thinking about transplanting to a giant 10 or 20 gallon bucket when it goes outside (very soon hopefully)!
Will this thing keep getting bigger?!?

Purple Jalapenos are lookin pretty good:

That is a cuban oregano plant on the left. Going to try some in the hot sauce this year.

These are plants that I was going to THROW AWAY because I ran out of cups and room, but decided to keep them all in this tub:

Surprisingly, they are my healthiest looking plants! Got some white habaneros, giant chocolate hab, and chocolate scotch bonnets there.
Might be annoying to separate.

Most of my chinense's under the flouros aren't looking so hot. Some are yellowing, curling, etc. Some are better than others.
Hoping things improve when I pot them up. Problem this year was that I ran out of time, soil, space and money! No dirt money at the moment, so their a bit potbound.
Almost time to plant our though!!!! I've started hardening things off and weather is improving next week. By Memorial Day we should be in the clear.
Itchin to get them outside and away from the black thumb of death, lol!
Here's an update. Everything is planted finally!!!!!
Here are the annums in the back yard:

The little ones in front are vietnamese multicolor and chinese 5 color. The larger plants in back are purple jalapenos.

Here is a closeup of the purple jalapenos which are setting fruit already!

Vietnamese Multicolor: