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  1. Pepper Boys

    PB's Trial Run 2011

    Update: 5/26/11 Plants are all getting huge. I think I'm going to have to put all of them into 6 gallon pots.. Should be fun. Here are some pics I snapped yesterday afternoon. Most of the bigger ones have grown more than 6" since the last set of pics!!! :woohoo: Overall shot of the crop. 2...
  2. Pepper Boys

    ME either buddy! Thanks again!

    ME either buddy! Thanks again!
  3. Pepper Boys

    Brian2112 first superhot pods of 2011

    Lookin' good! Couple weeks and you'll have some flames to put out! :mouthonfire:
  4. Pepper Boys

    Yeah, I'm going to enter. I just don't know exactly how it all works. I like a challenge though!!

    Yeah, I'm going to enter. I just don't know exactly how it all works. I like a challenge though!!
  5. Pepper Boys

    Cappy's Capsicum 2011

    Had some beers with Cappy yesterday. Here is the pic I took of the MONSTER Brain Strain Stem. ENJOY! I'm 6'2" and this thing is mid-torso!!! (Camera flashed too fast, I wanted to make a face...) Good times, thanks again for having me over buddy! Enjoy!
  6. Pepper Boys

    AJs Plantout Has Begun...

    How the plants looking? PICS! :onfire:
  7. Pepper Boys

    Big problems with my Bonda and Aji Habs - help needed

    What are you feeding them?? I had a couple that I got locally that looked similar. I just fed them a little fish emulsion and it seemed to work after a week or so. Did this happen abruptly?
  8. Pepper Boys

    FAAAAN-Damn-Tastic how are you? Been Cookin/drinkin anything good lately?

    FAAAAN-Damn-Tastic how are you? Been Cookin/drinkin anything good lately?
  9. Pepper Boys

    Hello from Wisconsin

  10. Pepper Boys

    Just got some new Seeds in the Mail! Thanks Wayright!

    Just got some new Seeds in the Mail! Thanks Wayright!
  11. Pepper Boys

    Yaotzin's Grow progress 2011

    Sorry to hear about your dad. It's never easy. Plants look AWESOME! :onfire: I want those Primo 7's BAD. Haha!
  12. Pepper Boys

    container To containerize or not to containerize?

    Here is a link to my photobucket account. I just got plants from CCN last week and they were 4"-8" tall depending on the variety.
  13. Pepper Boys

    Who all's from south carolina

    :rofl: Charleston SC!
  14. Pepper Boys

    food Pepper boys random hot bbq

    Thanks guys, it was Pretty damn tasty! Chocolate Habs were perfect. We'll be trying again in a couple weeks with a BrainStrain in it... :shocked: We'll keep you in the loop Cappy!
  15. Pepper Boys

    PB's Trial Run 2011

    The plant started germinating in January. It's about 6" taller now. I can definitely send seeds. PM me.
  16. Pepper Boys

    mmcdermott1 Grow List Log 2011

    Wow. What's up with that? It's not a normal thing for OH is it?
  17. Pepper Boys

    Small buds

    How big are they? They probably just need to mature a little. I noticed that on my Bhuts as well. But they are normal now. What kind of soil/nutes are you using?
  18. Pepper Boys

    pics First time Grower pics

    Nice plants! What type of soil are they in (Looks like Miracle grow) and are you feeding them? I also have a Cascabella. Looks like a fun little pepper. Good luck this year, and welcome to THP.