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  1. lock203

    AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow

    Had some people ask for updates in the reaper thread, so I thought I would update here too with all my varieties. Starting with the ones in the tent. Here is the reaper in a dwc. 7 pot in dwc Got a good shot of a flower on the 7 pot. Serrano in dwc, this guy is a few months older...
  2. lock203

    Scratch's Outdoor 2013 - planted out finally.

    That should work then, I couldn't see the hole at the bottom of the overflow pvc. Not sure if you have already but you will want to throw an airstone in the res to help with mixing the nutes.
  3. lock203

    Scratch's Outdoor 2013 - planted out finally.

    Looking good, I would try to add some cal mag to see if that helps the yellowing. I've not used GH series in a while, but when I did I had success using 2 part bloom to 1 part micro, not sure what they recommend on their chart. The flood table looks a little different than what I have used in...
  4. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Ask and you shall receive lol. Just took the pics a few minutes ago. Here is the dwc, it's starting to produce buds and should have flowers soon. My butch t caught some type of black spot fungus, it spread to the smaller reaper plant. Those were the only 2 plants that got infected. I trimmed...
  5. lock203

    New starwars

    They just announced that Michael Arndt (Little Miss Sunshine) is going to write the screenplay. He did Toy Story 3 and the new Hunger Games, so it looks like they are still going after the younger audience. I hope they realize that most fans are middle aged now and they tailor the new films to...
  6. lock203

    New starwars

    Wasn't Chewbacca's nephew a jedi with the Solo kids? I'm pretty sure there has been a couple of wookie jedis in comics at least.
  7. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Thanks! The shop helps out a lot, but honestly all my super hots have been really easy to grow they seem to love just the base nutrients. I only saw a little cal mag deficiency early on when I wasn't feeding full strength. Thanks! A few have released pollen and I had a couple flowers that have...
  8. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Plants turned 2 months old this week. Still no pods, but a lot of new flowers and buds. Here is the one in dwc. This one just split and started to bud. Here is the smaller of the 2 in coco just over 20" First flower on this plant. Here is the larger of the 2 in coco, over 2'. Couple...
  9. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Little bored at work today and started noticing a lot more buds and a few more flowers on my bigger plant, must be over 70 buds already. The rest of the plant is forming buds like this. More flowers, I used a electronic toothbrush to pollinate which worked this time.
  10. lock203

    New starwars

    I think the Legacy comic would make a good movie, it's set far enough into the future that the story could start fresh. I doubt Disney would go for a drug addicted jedi though.
  11. lock203

    AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow

    I guess it just depends which one you learn first, but damn it is frustrating. Thanks!!! These super hots are gorgeous plants, I had tomatoes growing in here all summer and they are just very ugly plants. I got my first pod to show up over the weekend from the yellow bhut. Somehow I missed...
  12. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Very nice! How long are you leaving the light on for? The pot size is fine you will just have to transplant again sooner.
  13. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    How do I do it that way, just swab the flower?
  14. lock203

    AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow

    Thanks Dani!!! Funny thing about me and photoshop, every time I try to edit in photoshop I want to break my computer. I'm a video guy so I'm used to using aftereffects, motion, final cut, etc. and I just can't figure out or have the patience to learn photoshop.
  15. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    I tried to pollinate it with a electric toothbrush, but I saw nothing release. I'll try again in a day or 2.
  16. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Came into work today to feed the plants and I was treated with a nice surprise.
  17. lock203

    AeroGro hydroponics shop indoor grow

    I moved 4 of the plants into 7 quart pots from the 3 quart ones they were in. Only had a half a bag of coco left so some of the plants will have to wait until I get more in stock. Here are the plants in the tent, I'm running the 400watt hps for 15 hrs. back row: serano, peter, banana...
  18. lock203

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Week 7 update. I transplanted the plants this afternoon from 3 quart buckets into 7 quart ones. Probably waited a little longer than I should have. After the transplant. Here is a pic that shows how the ones in coco got to this point. I will update this post with pics of the dwc...
  19. lock203

    Scratch's Outdoor 2013 - planted out finally.

    Nice set up you got going. Plants are looking good! It's tough to tell from the pic, does it look like a fungus/mold? The yellowing along the edges of those leaves might be fert burn, try cutting back a little on the nutes next feeding and see if that helps.
  20. lock203

    Peppin' Ain't Easy..."3/5King's 2012"

    Bump, I think that soil should be fine but I'm not as experience with soil as others on here.