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  1. santis00

    Solo cup drainage

      Correct, let the medium soak up the water. Plus this makes it easier to water then constantly pouring water, waiting for it to soak in, and then pouring more in.  BUT make sure you take out the excess water from the trays after the plants have soaked it up.
  2. santis00

    D3's 2016 Growlog

      Don't leave to much water, rotted out some of my seeds. 
  3. santis00

    LED Shop light from Costco

    Not bad, for $29.99 saves me some time. But I did some a 4:1 LED strip for 20 or so on Amazon. Maybe get that and a driver and  build my own set. Who doesn't like DYI
  4. santis00

    LED Shop light from Costco

      You think so, even for 1 for $29.99 with 2 bulbs?
  5. santis00

    LED Shop light from Costco

    Does this one work?   This one is an LED shop light. Figured it would cover 4 feet so better than just a bulb. Although the strip LED system some of you have built is pretty cool.   Dont think it...
  6. santis00

    LED Shop light from Costco

    Believe me I have been trying to figure out lighting by reading these forums but its to damn complicated for me. Found this shop light at Costco and compared it to T5 and T8 light bulbs and believe it is a good buy for seedlings to 5inch plants or so. However, want to get a knowledgeable opinion...
  7. santis00

    beer D3's Newb Brew

        Yikes first home brew done on the stovetop... I learned the hard way doing it this way my first time... 
  8. santis00

    rock wool

    That root riot looks pretty cool. in the paper towel germination phase right now, if i get more seeds for different varieties may have to pick up some of these bad boys.
  9. santis00

    Idea to conserve space (at start up?)

      Right room is a must. I just need to get through to Feb/March as by then the temperature in my garage area can stay around 70. Right now its way to cold they wouldn't make it.    I was trying to be all organized this year and made labels to put on the cups. But these dixie cups have that waxy...
  10. santis00

    lighting Has something to do with Lights!

    It must just be me but reading all these lights threads is making my head spin... more acronyms than we use at work. all for a freaking light bulb
  11. santis00

    Any thoughts on this expensive pre-built stuff

    Homedepot has this one on sale, its only 36in wide but a great deal.
  12. santis00

    Meteora´s Glog 2016

    I have to agree with those photo skills.. what you shooting with?
  13. santis00

    sonka's growlog

    Very nice! 
  14. santis00

    Idea to conserve space (at start up?)

    Not sure if I am creating myself more of a headache or not but was planning on putting in seeds in dixie cups. I have about 18 varieties (thanks to a couple of you kind folk here!) and wanted to start off with about 5 dixie cups, each with one seed. Then migrate to Solo Cups after a while, then...
  15. santis00

    Help me Round off my growlist

    When you grow these bad boys are you growing 1 of each? Or do you start out with a few and then purge as you go?
  16. santis00

    how early is too early to get a head start???

    Decided to start a batch today. Hoping I can get some fruit from the superhots this year.
  17. santis00

    First time growing superhots

  18. santis00

    Reaper X NuMex Twilight

    Very nice! 1 for 1 is a pretty good average, cant wait to see the full beauty!
  19. santis00

    D3monic's Crossing Project/Community Grow

    Still looking strong.
  20. santis00

    shopping Good Deals on Growing Products

    On sale at costco. Thought about getting to dive into the world of hydroponics.